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run. i have to run away. he ran away. his eyes blurred with the water droplets that clung to his eyelashes, the same way his sweater did with his body. cars zoomed past him, some of them honking their horn. he could feel the water hitting him from all angles — 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270, 360.

a voice called out to him. it was too muffled at first but got clearer as he almost passed the gas station.

"hey! hey you! you! the person running!" the boy stopped running in front of the gas station. he could see that someone had opened the door and was motioning for him to come in. the boy shook his head and started running again. "hey! i'll give you free ramen!"

the boy stopped and looked again. the person that was at the door was now standing in front of the station under the safety of the overhang. the running boy hesitated before slowly — and cautiously — walking over to the door.

the employee held the door open for the boy as he walked in, arms wrapped around himself as he shivered.

"you must be cold, let me lend you my jacket." the employee, who turned out to be a boy of similar age, ran behind the desk and grabbed a think, black padded jacket, handing it to the boy. the boy hesitantly grabbed the jacket, quietly thanking him as he draped it over his shoulder.

"oh, right, ramen. um, you can sit over there." the worker pointed over to the mini cafeteria before running off to make the food. the boy shyly walked over to the sitting area and sat on the chair closest to the exit, putting down his soaking backpack.


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deluge. // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now