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seungmin: are you doing anything tomorrow?
seungmin: wait
seungmin: you have class

hyunjin: yeah,,,
hyunjin: why? what's up?

seungmin: i was just wondering if you wanted to go apartment hunting with me
seungmin: i just thought that since you know your way around the city you would know where's good and cheap
seungmin: plus i can't stay with felix the whole time i'm here, i'm just a burden and i don't want to watch changbin eat his face off every morning

hyunjin: eVERY MORNING??


hyunjin: you're just jealous

seungmin: ew, i quite like my privacy thank you very much

hyunjin: ;)

seungmin: dISGUSTANG

hyunjin: anyways
hyunjin: my class ends at 1, is that a good time to go?

seungmin: sure! i have a few places in mind already so hopefully that'll make i quicker

hyunjin: alrighty! see you then

seungmin: yay! :D


seungmin was ecstatic, to say the least — he's finally going apartment hunting! how was going to afford it, you ask? with his own money of course! every month seungmin gets a load of money dumped into his savings account from his mom or other relatives, kind of like it's an apology, a "i'm-sorry-you-have-to-go-through-that-alone" money. plus, how expensive could apartments here be?



"yeah?" the duo was walking to class when hyunjin finally realized something.

"why'd you get the barista's number yesterday?"

"because he was cute?" jisung looked at hyunjin puzzled.

"well that obvious, but don't you like minho?"

"i mean obviously i still do. i just kind of thought that it was time to try and get over him."

"you've been trying to get over him for the past three years and look how far you've come."

"okay, well, i have a reason for that."

"and what's that reason?"

"it's because, uh..." jisung was struggling, "he just keeps attacking me. like, physically. with his looks."

"what about his personality?"

"he attacks me with that too! but with his looks i can admire him from afar without him noticing."

"i'm pretty sure he'll notice when you're the only one not practicing in dance."

"you got me there."

"so why did you get his number?"

"i told you, he's cute."

"are you just looking for someone to distract yourself with while minho goes off and does what he does?"

"what? no."

"are you trying to make minho jealous?"



"what?! what else am i supposed to do, wait around as the panicked gay i am and just wait for him to come to me like a normal human being? no! i want to have that cliche fanfic, mtv 'welcome-to-my-crib' meeting!"

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