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"here you go." the employee placed down a plastic bowl in front of the other and sat in front of him. "i hope you like chicken because it's the only one we have."

the boy grabbed the chopsticks and started eating, focusing more on the meal than anything else. the other quietly looked at him as he ate; red hair, puppy-like face. his eyes were dark and his face was quite serious. he seemed like a pretty nice kid although he's never seen him in class before.

"what were you doing in the rain?" the boy stopped eating and looked up at the boy, swallowing.

"um," the boy put down his chopsticks and placed his hands in his lap. "i was out on a run?"

"in the rain?" the boy nodded. "tch. i don't believe you."

the employee, who the boy noticed was name was hyunjin based on his nametag, leaned forward. "what were you really doing?"




"no way."

"yes way."

"i don't believe it."

"well, you better believe it because that's what i was doing."

"why were you running? let alone in the rain."

"i... like? running in the rain?"

"bullshit." hyunjin sat back with his arms crossed, staring at the strange boy in front of him. "what's the real reason you were running? because based on the outfit you're wearing, you weren't intending to run."

the boy looked down at his outfit — white button up, grey vest, black slacks, and converse. he just shrugged.

"come on, you can tell me. there's no one else here; we're five minutes before closing time."

"i'd rather not."

"come on, trust me."

"how can i? you're just a stranger to me."

"fine. let's fix that. hi. i'm hwang hyunjin. i'm 18 years old, i'm a student at the jyp academy of visual arts, and i'm an only child. and you are?"

"i'm seungmin and i'm 18. i'm not going to college or any university. i have an older sister, but she's in college."'

"well, seungmin, mind if we talk now?" seungmin shrugged. "i'll take that as a yes. why were you running in the rain, all alone, in the dark?" seungmin shrugged again. "okayyy... why do i feel like a therapist right now?"

"because that's what everyone is to me." hyunjin gave a small nod and shifted awkwardly in his seat. "sorry."

"nah, it's fine. anyways, should we play 20 questions? i'll ask you 20 and you ask me 20."

"i guess?"

"okay, me first. what is your favorite food?"

"um... eggs? what's yours?"

"all food!"

"choose one."

"um... i really like sushi, so i'll go with sushi. okay! my turn again. what... is your favorite hobby?"

"i just like listening to music."

"what kind?"

"um... bedroom pop..? indie? i don't know really. how i get to ask you two questions. what type of music do you like and what are your hobbies?"

"i like r&b and pop. as for hobbies... i just like dancing and reading books. sometimes i play sports but dancing is my sport so." he shrugged and seungmin nodded. "my next question is... what are your favorite features about yourself?"

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