Chapter 10

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AN: Thanks Mystics for being so very patient. Now please enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 10: Peter

Pain. That was the first and only thing Peter felt. He felt the pain of dusting into nothing. Now the pain carried on, to where? Peter didn't know. It was dark. He was alone. He knew it. Where he was? He didn't know. Even though it was dark and everything was silent, his senses were going haywire. Not very long, a headache formed. It felt like eternity, but eventually the pain ceased to exist. Then the memories came in...

'I'm sorry.' I'm sorry? Peter knew that Mr. Stark would beat himself for his 'death', but did he really have to say sorry. That probably made things worse. 'Darn it Parker. Can't you do anything right.' He thought. Peter, after beating himself down, looked around his surroundings. Orange.- 'The soul stone?' -The thought came to him.

"Hello, Peter." A voice came. Peter turned and saw two figures. One of them stepped forward. She was wearing a long gold dress. Her eyes were in rainbow coloured. Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Purple. The colours sparkled. The orange was the brightest out of the six colours.

"Who are you?" Peter asked warily.

"I'm Infinity. One of the cosmic entities that have created the infinity stones." Infinity told him.

"But if you're a comic entity, why do you look human?" Peter narrowed his eyes at her.

"You look human but you are not." She simply stated. Peter's eye's widened. "Yes, we know who you are. But don't worry, your secret is safe with us."

Peter relaxed a little, "Why should I trust you? What do you want?"

"I could tell you, but you probably won't believe me. However you might believe her."

The second figure came forward. Peter's eyes widened at the familiar face.

"Hey bond brother."

"Abby?" Peter whispered. Eye's unbelieving.

Abby had ombré hair, starting with white at her roots that flowed into silver tips. She had snowy white wolf ears and tail. Angel wings that was as white as her ears and tail. Wearing a white sleeveless short high waist dress and grey leggings.

"Or should I say Albino?" Peter smirked and she smiled. She came up and hugged him tightly, "It's good to see you soul sister."

"Abby, please explain to Peter what happened. I have something else to do." With a curt nod, Infinity vanished.

"So... We are in the-"

"Soul stone? Ya, I know." Peter interrupted her, before slapping a hand over his mouth, muffling a "Oops, sorry."

Abby didn't look mad that he interrupted, just confused.

"What! No, no, no. Don't apologize. I'm just... confused. How did you know?"

"I really don't know. I just got a feeling and the thought came to me as if someone sent me a message saying I was in the soul stone. Then you confirmed it."


Abby was in deep thought when Peter's face turned into one of confusion. They made eye contact and Peter seemed to nod at what Abby was trying to explain.

"Why did Infinity want you to explain? Why couldn't she?"

"I don't know..." She contemplated her answer. "I'm the soul stone's guardian. I guess you could put it that way." She shrugged, "That's basically why I'm here." She then furrowed her eyebrows, "But I can't answer your question. I'm sorry. But I will try and find you some answers."

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