Wanda and Groot

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 3: Wanda and Groot

Wanda woke up to a minor headache. Her eyes were red and puffy. She looked around the orange plain she woke up in right before she remembered everything. The memory hit her like a rock. 'Vision' she thought, 'no. No. No. NO! You can't be dead. You can't.' Wanda kept repeating those words in her head as she broke down sobbing 

She didn't know how long she had been crying for but she suddenly felt an arm touch her shoulder. Wanda looked over her shoulder to find an arm made out of wood. Following the arm her green eyes meet brown ones. She finally saw that it was Thor's tree friend.

"Groot?" Wanda asked.

"I am Groot." Groot nodded.

"Is that the only thing you can say?" Wanda gently asked.

"I am Groot." He nodded once, looking down realizing the she wouldn't be able to understand him.

Wanda saw the distressed look on Groot's face. She quickly tried to come up with a way to cheer him up.

"I am Groot." Groot mumbled quietly but Wanda heard him. Kinda hard not to in the silence of this orange place. 'I do wonder who else is here?'. That's when Wanda realized she understood what Groot said. Well maybe not fully but parts.

"Did- did you just say something along the lines of 'who else was here?'" Wanda inquiries.

Groot snapped his head up. A smile making it's way to his face as Groot nods vigorously. Wanda smiled at Groot. Happy that she was able to understand him but also that she was able to make him smile. Just then Groot stopped smile fading. Wanda frowned.

"What? What is it Groot?" Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I am Groot." Groot answered pointing behind Wanda.

"Wanda?" A voice said at the same time Groot answered.

She turned around in time to see who Groot was pointing at and who said her name. Three very familiar faces were a meter away from them. Her shoulders dropped and a warm smile appeared on her face.

"You guys are here too? None of you are hurt right?" Wanda asked looking the three male hero's who joined them.

"No. None of us are hurt. Are you guys okay?" Bucky looked over Wanda and Groot. Taking in Wanda's puffy red eyes and Groot's sad ones.

"No, we're fine. How did you guys find us?" Looking around Wanda could only see the endless sea of orange.

"So you probably won't believe us, but there's this figure that seems to know where everyone is. This figure is the one leading us to other people." Sam answered. Wanda and Groot looked at Sam like he grew three head. Groot saw someone standing behind Sam a few meters away.

"I am Groot?" Groot said while pointing over Sam's shoulder. The other four turned to see who Groot was pointing at. In the distance there was the figure. However he wasn't alone. He seemed to be with a girl. They could see much. Only the fact that she had angel wings. Wait... ANGEL WINGS!

"Is it just me or does she have angel wing?" Sam blinked, dumbfounded.

"I'm pretty sure she does." T'Challa said, shifting anxiously.

"That's not very comforting." Wanda stated voicing everyone's thoughts.

"I am Groot?" Groot asked. The three males looked at Groot in confusion but Wanda looked at Groot and answered him.

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