Night Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"So, did you work anything out with that kid you liked?" He asked in his usual, carefree, playful tone. I blushed again, and shrugged.

"I-it doesn't matter now. If you don't mind, I'll just go get what I need done, done." Mikami nodded, stepping back further.

"Well, we'll be leaving when everyone else is ready. Knowing Mizuki, you have until lunch." I laughed, and shook my head.

"Yeah. I'll see you then." I watched until Mikami had went into his room before I closed my door silently, and grabbed what I needed for my shower.


I had dressed in a simple blue tang top over a white, long-sleeved shirt. I put on my knee-length, blue skirt, and like usual, I left my hair down.

"Hey! There you are! We were waiting on you!" Kyou smiled at me, a hand on her hip. I looked at her in surprise, and then looked at Mizuki, who looked like he was half asleep.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Mikami just woke me up not too long ago. I wan under the impression you all were still sleeping."

"Pfft! Just like Mikami to trick you like that!" Mizuki seemed to pull out of whatever sleep he was in, and instantly got his energy as he grinned, laughing. I blushed, and smiled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well, we should get going. We're walking right?" I looked back at them. Ruri nodded, smiling.

"Yeah. It's so nice out, we thought it would be nice to walk." I nodded slightly, smiling as I prepared to walk with them.

"Sakika, wait." I felt myself stiffen slightly at my father's stern voice calling out to me. I turned to face him.

"Yes, Father?" Father looked at Mikami for a moment, and then looked at me.

"The president has given you an assignment. I thought Mikami told you." I shook my head, glancing over at my older brother, and then at my father with a smile.

"Sure. Is...Is it a lone mission?" Father nodded slightly.

"It may be lone, but I'll be watching from some distance in case anything goes wrong, ok?" I nodded, going back to my room, and changing into my mission wear.


"This Level E used to be a head of a business from what we were able to get. When he was transformed, he had been doing some repairs to an old building that he was planning to use as part of his business. He's been there ever since, slowing losing his body, mind, and soul. He lures people there, and then kills them. You'll have to be careful, and don't get hurt, ok?" My father was briefing me on what was going on. I nodded, my hands tightening on my knees.

I wore my worn out jeans, and a simple black shirt under a black, leather jacket. My hair was up, and my anti-vampire weapon was strapped to my hip. It was usual that the teacher would watch over the student on their first mission, but Father had asked for him to accompany me. I wasn't sure why he wanted that, but I was happy that he wanted to come. Master Kaito always made me a bit nervous, and I didn't want to mess this up. I was my father's only child that became an actual hunter, and I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Father, you don't have to worry about me. I've been trained for this. I'll be fine." I smiled at my father, but I could tell that something was on his mind, and it wasn't about this mission at all. He smiled slightly at me, and laid his hand on top of my head. I felt surprised because my father normally wasn't the touchy-feely kind of person, and this was the first time I had seen him smile in a long time. Plus, this was the most affectionate he had ever been with me.

"Sakika, I want you to know that no matter what happens today, I'm proud of you. You're my youngest, and I'm happy that you made it this far no matter what happens. Don't be afraid to ask for help, ok?" I nodded as he dropped his hand, and he adopted a more serious expression."And remember, they're nothing more than beasts. If you don't act quick enough, you'll be dead. At this point, this Level E is nothing more than a monster, so don't worry about anything, ok?" I nodded again, hardening my own expression as I opened the car door, and walked towards the building.


As I walked into the building, I felt myself tense up. I felt scared.

But I knew I couldn't let myself become afraid. I couldn't afford to have any distractions. A stupid mistake could cost me my life. I knew that much.

My pulse beat fast in my veins.

Adrenaline pulsed through my body.

My ears were pricked for any sound.

My hands gripped my sword that hung at my side. I needed to be prepared.

"Ahh~ Such a sweet smelling little flower! And you're pretty to match! I haven't smelt one like you in weeks! Won't you let me take just a little nibble? Just one little taste?" I gasped slightly as I heard the deep, scratchy voice call out to me in a sickly sweet voice.

I quickly turned around, drawing my sword out as my pulse quicken.

The Level E looked at it, as if confused, and then looked at me with another sick smile on it's face.

My throat dried up further, but I set a hard look on my face.

"You, who were once human, have fallen to nothing more than a beast. No, you're lower than that, and now it's time to face your doom." I repeated what Master Kaito had said many times when I shadowed him on mission." Now, say your prayers, and die, vampire!" I called out, rushing towards him with the sword drawn.

I expected it to be over just as quick as Master Kaito, but I was mistaken.

The Level E shout out, and punched me straight in the gut, sending me back until I hit something hard, and metallic with my right shoulder.

Pain radiated from my shoulder to the rest of my body, but I still managed to get up.

I gripped my shoulder, managing to raise my sword despite the pain I felt.

"I love a feisty dinner~" It cooed out, running towards me with it's fangs drawn.

My pulse raced.

Adrenaline rushed through me.

I drew my sword up, and ran towards it at the same time that it was running towards me with it's claws drawn, ready to attack me.

I dodged its attack, but at the same time, it missed my sword. I growled out, suddenly wishing I had brought my pistol with me. It would be so much easier to just shoot this monster, and be over with it.

I shook my head to get myself back into the game.

"You're not getting away! I'm not gonna fail!" I yelled out, hardening my expression, and running towards it, sword drawn.

The Level E merely cackled again, and drew it's claws back up, running towards me.

We hit a mutual strike.

It struck me twice with it's inhumanly sharp fingers.

It left three slashes on my right cheek, and two more on my left arm.

It shrieked as my sword cut through it's arm, but it wasn't enough to kill it.

I could feel the blood seeping out of my wounds, and I could feel myself steadily getting weaker, but I couldn't...

No, would not lose this fight.

I would not disappoint my father.

It all counted on this last hit.

It came at me again, claws raised.

This time, it managed to get me two more times.

On my left arm again.

On my left rib cage.

And this time, I managed to get it.

Despite the pain I felt, I managed to raise my arms, and slice it in half, sending it into dust.

I laughed, smirking slightly as I collapsed myself.

The world went blissfully dark around me.

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