5 - visions

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(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner.)


            The conversation continued on. It was almost unbearable, what with all you had to endure without an expression. You tried several times to separate your memories from each other, but you couldn't focus with all the tension in the air and inside. You bit your lip and looked away from the group of men that were still discussing. You curled up with your legs to your chest on the piano bench, wishing to disappear to escape all that was happening. It was stressful enough having to encounter this group, and so much worse having to hide all the pain inside.

            Suddenly, a large shadow cast across your form, covering almost your whole figure. You stilled, but dared to look up. Russia stared down at you, smiling a smile that didn't touch his eyes.

            You waited for an accusation, a threat of some sort. Anything to prove that he was not what he seemed. Instead, he uttered these words:

            "It is (Name), da(1)?"

            Da? you wondered, but made no indication of that. Instead you dipped your head in a nod.

            "I see." He sat down beside you, surprising you a bit as the bench was not big enough for two, let alone someone of his size plus one. However, something made you shift to the very edge so that he could sit without a problem- and so that you could keep your distance. You balanced your weight on your left foot and made it look like you were comfortable and not about to fall onto the floor.

            He smiled again, appreciating that you moved. Yet you couldn't help but feel that he expected it. "Spasibo(2)," he said. "I wanted to ask you: what is that on your scarf?"

            My scarf? You glanced down at the old thing. It was worn and, of course, covered in stains. Several different ones were present, but the majority was the consequence of your many battles with the monster: blood. You knew this, but since the scarf itself was red and blood only a darker shade of the same color, you could not tell the color of those stains. Instead they appeared almost brown. To normal eyes it would just appear to be a normal stain, but to persons accustomed to seeing the substance often, it was almost obvious.

            You immediately guessed which category he fell into. Why else would he ask?

            You tried to hide your unease with a tilted head and a look of fake innocence. You took the end of your scarf in both your hands and stared at, pretending to be thinking deeply. After a few seconds, you looked up at him, mouth turned downward. "I'm not sure", you mouthed.

            His purple eyes seemed to look through you. His expression was unreadable and you held silent eye contact for a moment before he finally broke it. He looked away, humming out a "hmm" in response.

            Now he's suspicious, you worried, frowning down at your clenched hands, heart beating quicker in your chest. But Russia was good at holding a poker face. Perhaps he believed your answer after all. You glanced at him to see if his expression had changed. But he had gotten up and now stood with the others.

            Slowly, you adjusted yourself in a more comfortable position on the bench. You watched him carefully for a while before sighing and staring down at your open palms. A sad, hollow feeling crept throughout your body as you thought to yourself, I have to be more careful.

            Your mind wandered a little as you pondered your situation, unaware of another pair of eyes watching you, expression unreadable save for his lips that were pulled down into a frown.

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