7 - warm

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(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner.)


You and the other men continued your search of the monster's mansion. You soon found yourself in a room with a plain room with one large table and blue couches.

You continued to lean your head on Russia's wide shoulders as everyone split up to search the room, deciding on silence as Russia circled the room as you waited for them to find the next piece of the endless game. In the end, it was Japan who first noticed the crack in the wall. A closer look revealed some bricks underneath.

"Huh," China muttered.

Japan reached out and felt around the wall until a hollow knock resounded.  "That was... the sound of a door." Japan voiced his surprise. "There's a cut on the warrpaper. I'rr tear it off."

The group watched closely as Japan did as he said. As he had thought, there had been a door. "Ah, there was a hidden door, after arr. Ret's proceed with care," He suggested. You felt Russia nod along with the others, while your eyelids merely fluttered in response.

China pushed the door open and walked inside with Japan trailing close behind. England grabbed the door and held it open for the rest of you to walk through. You decided to risk a tentative smile at him, your way of showing thanks. At this, he blinked several times before muttering a hurried "you're welcome" under his breath.

You felt a sudden pang of regret at how much smiling you had been doing.

Distant, distance, I'm supposed to keep distance, you chanted over and over in your head, trying to get the words to stick. I need to keep this under control. I need to be more cautious. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage?

Smiling was, of course, still new to you, but you could use it to reassure your new allies now that you were no threat. You knew smiling was one way to disarm a person, especially if they saw you as weaker, to be taken care of. You could always play it up to get them more comfortable with you.

The charade would be, of course, nothing personal. You truly did want to cooperate with them, and you wanted to help them escape. But familiarity was not something you should risk, lest you hurt them, and be hurt, again.

This idea hurt some deep, hidden part of you, a part of you that you loathed, that wanted so desperately to be liked, to be loved. That didn't want to fake closeness- that wanted real friends. The pain was like an iron grip around your throat, and you were choking. Your hands balled into tight fists.

I'm so alone, you thought, and chuckled silently, angrily. The sound was like a cough, and without your noticing, Russia glanced out of the corner of his eyes back at you. I don't want to be, but there's no point in crying about it, is there?

You decided to push the idea of deception to the back of your mind to deal with later. For now you fought with control with your mind, and it seemed neither team was winning.

Russia followed Japan who had approached another door at the righthand side of the hall. Right as you caught up to them, he had unlocked the new door.

The new room had a large table and another door inside. Nothing seemed unusual, so the group immediately went to through that door to the next room. Inside that room, behind that door is yet another room with a door, but except this one is barred.

You squinted at the door, willing all your measly energy into trying to remember what comes next.

Will the monster appear? Should we have been locking every door behind us? Is this a trap?

Unraveling the World | HetaOni (Hetalia x Mute!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat