10 - fractured

511 18 15

(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner)

A/N: Hi friends! I hope you all are doing well and that you enjoy this long chapter! I'm proud of how the end of it turned out. Please let me know what you think :) I love reading all your comments!

There is a brief POV switch from Reader's second-person to Italy's third-person; I'm trying something new! I hope that it transitions okay. I've learned that writing in third person is much easier for me than writing in second person. Maybe I'll do POV switches more often.

I'm sorry that it took a while for this one. I've been working on it for several months. I've just been so busy and exhausted with all that's going on in my life right now. Thank you for always being so patient and understanding and for sticking with me as I work at my own pace.

I've missed you all and truly hope you're well and are staying safe and taking care of yourself! Thank you so much for reading!!

With Love,



As you came to consciousness, you found that you were lying on your stomach, your cheek pressed against the cold ground. You blinked rapidly, trying to understand where you were.

A pale, long-fingered hand move near your head, placing something there. It took you a few seconds to recognize the same sheet Canada gave you- now folded several times to create a thick pad of fabric.

Instinctively, you flinched your head out of the way of the hand.

A girlish shriek pierced the air. In one second, your body jerked upright and leaned away, causing your head to spin and throb painfully and vision to blossom into a mass of dark spots.

China's lean body was leaning away from you, his deep brown eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in shock. His hand clutched at his uniform over his heart.

"Aiyah," He mumbled, still recovering, cheeks reddening as he realized how overdone his response was. "You gave me a heart attack, aru!" Then relief washed over his eyes and he leaned in, eyes examining. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

You attempted to push yourself up, but your arms shook violently as you tried. Why am I so weak?

America quickly stepped in and grabbed your arms, helping you up. You looked up at him tiredly, before recoiling at his expression.

"(Name), dude, I am so, so sorry!" He blubbered loudly, his eyes wide and guilt-ridden. One you were sat back into kneeling position, he dropped his hold on you to wave his arms wildly. "I promise, I didn't mean to, like, yeet(1) you that hard! I just needed to get you out of the way..."

Memories suddenly flashed behind your eyes, vivid and bright, filled with gut-twisting panic and confusion. It took you a weary moment to catch yourself up to the situation; America had grabbed your arm, pulled you off his back, and threw you- is that what that would meant?- clear across the room, trying to protect you?

As ridiculous as the story was, it made some sense. He took that monster's blow- if I had been on his back...

You shuddered.

Even more strange was that somehow everyone had seemed to know what was going on and what was going to happen except for you. They knew that Italy was in danger, and had hatched a plan to defend him against it. 

Why didn't they let me in on it? How did everyone know exactly what to do at exactly the right time? Why did they brush off my fear of danger mere moments before everything went down?

Unraveling the World | HetaOni (Hetalia x Mute!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now