4 - scarves

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(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner.)


It's time to start again.


You were the last to enter the room, and when you did, you immediately ran into a muscular chest. You gasped and fell back in surprise. You looked up to see a tall, broad man with platinum hair and a long scarf. His purple eyes widened when he saw you. The odd childish smile slowly fell from his face as he stared at you with cold eyes.

Nothing could be heard but the sound of Canada and England trying to catch their breath. Meanwhile, you held yours.

Of course, you remembered him as one of Italy's friends who had died in many time loops. But something felt particularly... off.

"Who is this?" He asked in an (familiar/unfamiliar) accent, turning to Canada and England. You let out your breath and climbed to your feet. You were wary of this man. You adjusted your scarf and made sure to keep your posture straight and head high as you watched him.

"We ran into her when we were searching-"

"Aiyah! Why is there a woman here, aru?!" Another voice exclaimed. You turned to see another man, who was still familiar, but much more vaguely so. He had long dark hair that was tied in a pony tail, foreign clothing and very long sleeves. He held one sleeve over his mouth in surprise. Then you saw another man also with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He was almost expressionless, but you knew he was caught off guard; his eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion and his deep eyes swam with some emotion you couldn't pin down. He also wasn't as familiar to you as the man you had run into.

Unthinkingly, you slipped you hand into your coat and gripped your weapon tighter. There were so many of them to meet, and even more t0 come.

A hand fell on your shoulder, making you jump. Canada quickly apologized; you shook your head to tell him it was okay. Then he said, "Let's introduce you, eh?"

"Yes," England agreed, placing a gentle hand on your back and guiding you closer to the men. "Let's do just that."

You stood there between Canada and England before the three new men and suddenly felt bashful. You looked down at you bare feet.

"We met her in the piano room. She was- er, playing-" He looked at you, frowning. It was almost funny to you- Can smashing the keys qualify as playing the piano? -"And we thought something was wrong, so we went to check..." His expression was uncertain.

"We didn't learn your name yet, did we?" Canada asked in his soft voice. You shook you head no. "You wanted it to write it down, right?" You nodded yes. He turned to his comrades. "Uh... does anyone have paper...?"

The men shook their head. "We don't, da(1)? Perhaps the others will," the tall one said, casually adjusting his scarf. "They will likely be here soon."

The long-haired man nodded. "Aiyah, that's right, aru. For now, I guess we should introduce ourselves." He turned to face you. "I am China. Nice to meet you, aru." He offered you his hand and you did the awkward handshake-thing. He gave you and weird look and you heard an awkward cough from behind, but you brushed it off. Then you turned to the man with the short black hair.

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