13. First Day, Greenie

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Character: Newt

Fandom: Maze Runner

Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Greenie!Reader

Title: First Day, Greenie

Summary: Y/N, the new Greenie, came out swinging and everyone is trying to calm her down so she can get used to that new place she’s been put into. In the end, only Newt manages to do so.


There was complete darkness surrounding her. She could feel nothing but a hard cold metal surface beneath her, and herself being jolted upwards in a swift and sickening movement.

“Help!” The girl screamt as her eyes filled with tears. She felt completely clueless, she knew nothing. What was she doing there? Where was she? How could she get out?

What was her name?

After what felt like an eternity, it all stopped. A tight claw of fear clutched her heart, which felt heavy and hollow like her stomach.

A sob went up her throat in spite of herself, and she rubbed her eyes to try and keep the tears away.

With a loud noise, the panel upon her started to open, sliding to reveal a very bright beam of light that fell onto her. Slowly, the beam spread until what seemed like daylight lighted the dark space she was at.

“What the shuck?!” Someone yelled in utter surprise.

“It’s a girl!” A heavily accented voice said. The first thing it came to mind when she heard his voice was ‘British’.

“Wow, I call dibs!”

“Shut up, slinthead!”

Many voices surrounded her, along with that strange language that included words like ‘shuck’ and ‘slinthead’ that were foreign to her.

She was covering her eyes with her hands to avoid being blinded by the sudden light. Carefully, she peeked over her fingers and waited nervously until her vision cleared.

When her eyes adapted, she saw her surroundings.

From that kind of box down there, she could only see them towering over her in what she thought was some sort of courtyard. Them being dozens of boys and her being the only female.

“Are you coming out some day?” One of them screamt from the back of the crowd, startling her deeply.

She felt herself shaking violently from pure fear. She thought of a way out of there, because she didn’t trust those strangers. And they looked quite threatening to her.

For all she knew, they might have something to do with everything. With her not remembering anything. Or suddenly appearing there.

“Slimt it!” That accented voice from before meddled in, his voice sounding gentler. “Can’t you see how bloody scared she is?”

“Come on already, girly!” Another one stuck a muscular arm for her to grab. “Get out of there”

Already thinking of a strategy to run away, she held onto him. He pulled her up easily and effortless.

Once she was at the same level as them, she took a few seconds to analyze the situation intently.

That courtyard was really large, so large that it scared her what could be out there. But what was even more frightening were the immense walls that surrounded it. From each side of that place emerged walls so high that made her feel incredibly small and vulnerable. And worst of all, trapped.

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