3. Recovery Companion Pt. 1

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Summary: Being the only girl stuck in a maze with boys, things get complicated. When y/n gets attacked, resulting in several injuries, she is assigned a companion during her recovery. Will her quickly developing feelings for the tall, British boy be platonic or something more? And what will happen if or when he finds out?

Pairing: TMR Newt x Female!Reader 

Warnings/Rated: Attacked, Violence, Blood and Angst

( Readers ) P.O.V.

It’s not even mid-morning here in The Glade and the heat is already getting to me. I set down my shovel before reaching for my water. To my surprise, my bottle is empty, Zart admits to drinking it by accident and apologizes. I try to keep a stern face but eventually stick my tongue at him while he laughs. 

All the guys here have welcomed me without treating me differently from any other Greenie. Well, everyone except Gally. He always seems mad and distrusts me, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I’ve become acquainted with all the other Gladers in the month I’ve been here but I can’t stop the chills I get when Gally is nearby. 

I eventually get too thirsty to continue working so I decide to make a run to the kitchen for more water bottles. On the way in, I pass Frypan going on his break. I ask him about the water and he points to the corner of the room. Once I’m in the kitchen alone, I start to gather as many water bottles as I can manage to carry back with me. 

Distracted with my task, I turn to come face to face with Gally. I stumble backwards, dropping the bottles in the process. Only then do I look down to see Gally’s white knuckles clutching a sharp knife from the counter. 

My eyes quickly search my surroundings while slowly moving backwards. No one would be nearby since there is still an hour before lunch but if I can manage to get past the door, I might be able to scream for help. 
Kitchen counters cage me on both sides as my back reaches the wall. The gap between me and Gally becoming less and less as the time continues. 

He suddenly stops walking and begins to talk, “Why did you do this to us?” Confusion crosses my face as he continues, spitting every word with venom, “It was you. You stuck us all in this hell, so why are you here? Did you come to watch? To gloat? Well, jokes on you, y/n! We’re all dead anyway….and you will be too.”

With that, he lunges forward. I duck under his knife but his blade still catches my arm. I jump over the counter, only making it part way before he grabs my ankle, causing my head to slam on the edge as he struggles to drag me back. I cry out when I feel him slice my stomach, then my thigh. I feel warm liquid run down my cheek as I thrash out of his grip. Using my other leg, I kick with all my strength and my foot connects with his nose, making a crunching sound. 
I slide myself off the counter and through the door. 

“HELP!! SOMEBODY, PLEA-”, my screams are interrupted as I’m slammed to the ground. I turn on my back, screaming and fighting as best I can. Gally grabs me by the throat, cutting off my pleas for help. 

“You made us suffer, now it’s your turn.” He drags the blade slowly across my chest and my vision begins to blacken. The pressure on my throat releases and I wheeze in a breath. Everything is a blur, I hear faint shouting and soft hands hold my body before everything goes black.

“I don’t know, Clint. It’s complicated.”
Voices. I can hear bits of a conversation but can’t seem to open my eyes. I try to move and rub them but groan in pain. The conversation cuts off and I feel a hand on my wrist.

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