11. Relax| Newt AU

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The girl sighed heavily as she rubbed her hands over her face. A headache had started to make it impossible to keep studying, but she needed to prepare for her finals.

For the tenth time that day, her phone vibrated on her table as she had taken its volume to concentrate. It was Newt calling again.

Briefly, Y/N smiled just thinking about her boyfriend. But the smile erased from her face as she realized how much she missed Newt and how she wished she was with him at that very moment.

Still, she told herself she needed to go back to her notes, so she did.

Y/N’s eyes quickly went through the lesson she had to memorize for the exam as she absently mouthed the words.

Then, a knock sounded on the door and she felt equally relieved and annoyed.

Stretching her arms because she had been sitting in her desk for around four hours straight, she walked to the main door.

She opened it to reveal a smiling Newt.

“Hi there, love” He invited himself in and left a kiss on her cheek.

Newt hated the finals period because Y/N had to lock herself and study for so long. And he always missed her a lot.

Hoping she could have a free day, he had been calling and texting her every day, but she would never reply. And when she did it was to tell him that she was busy.

So Newt had made up his mind and visited her instead, to be with her even if they couldn’t do anything together. But at least he would be with his lovely girlfriend.

“Newt, honey…” Y/N complained. “I really need to study!”

“I know, love” His smile never faltering, Newt took hold of her hand. “And I’m going to help you”

For a moment, she hesitated. It would definitely be much better studying with Newt as he would get rid of her bad mood and that way she would make sure she had understood and memorized everything correctly.

But he would definitely be a distraction as well.

Expectant, Newt stared at her, squeezing her hand as to convince her.

“But we need to focus” She gravely told him, taking him to her room.

“We will bloody… focus, then” The blond told her with a big smirk.

“I mean focus on studying, silly” Y/N smiled as she sat back on her chair.

“Alright…” Newt jokingly rolled his eyes, but then winked an eye at her as he took a chair and sat down next to her.

He had been there for no longer than one minute and he had already made her smile and improved her mood. The studying would be much easier from then on.


Grunting in frustration, Y/N plopped herself face down in her bed.

After two whole weeks of studying, sleeping badly and being a wreck of nerves, she was getting really fed up with everything.

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