7. Recovery Companion Pt. 5

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( Reader ) P.O.V.

To be honest, I haven’t been working as much these last few days. Newt either has me helping out with his tasks or I’m sitting in the med-hut, watching over Alby. Which, to be honest, is terrifying.

Well, that was until today. The girl woke up. No one told me, I heard the boys shouting and dodging items being thrown at them from the tower. 

Yeah, that has to be her. Thomas should be back from his run with Minho soon, but I guess I’ll have to handle her until then.

I jog over to Newt who’s hiding underneath a large,thin wooden slab. When he spots me, he says “I don’t think she likes us very much.” I laugh but soon stop when I get a rock thrown at my head.

She’s yelling for them to leave her alone and I can’t get super close to the ladder without being hit with something. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Thomas and Minho make their way over to the commotion.

“Hey, Tommy. Uh, I think the girl is awake and she’s not very sociable.” I say when they reach us. 

Minho laughs, “You dumb shanks are scared of a girl!” I’m about to yell at him when he gets hit square in the face with a wooden spoon. 

Where the hell did she get a wooden spoon?! To top it off, Newt smacks his friend on the back of his head.

Thomas and I move to reach her but it’s getting irritating at this point. “IT’S US! Y/N AND THOMAS!!” he yells, covering his head. Like the snap of the fingers, the items stop descending. We glance up and get met with pale skin and long black hair.

We take this as our cue to start up the ladder. I go first, thinking that seeing another girl will be less threatening. Which was probably smart since she had a huge knife in her hand. Still moving around her, I hold my hands up and nod for Thomas to do the same.

“Where am I? Who are you guys?” she says, pointing the blade in our direction. Newt hollers for us to be cautious from below and I look down to see him herding everyone away.

“This is The Glade…I’m Thomas and this is y/n. When you came up you said our names…Now, who are you?” The girl lowers her weapon and I gesture for her to hand it over, which she does.

Her eyes bounce between us before she speaks. “They told me that I had recognized you guys but I can’t seem to remember anything. I’m not even sure what’s going on.”

I speak next. “It’s okay, that’s completely normal. We’ve all gone through this…You probably won’t remember your name for a wh-”


I let out a breathless gasp, feeling Thomas still beside me. We thought it was her but to have our suspicions confirmed is another thing. “My name is Teresa.” She repeats herself.

“Are you guys coming down?” Newt calls from the bottom of the ladder. I tell him that we’ll be down in a bit, looking down at him from the gap in the floor. 

He nods before walking off.

Sighing, I begin. “Well, Teresa, we will answer some of your questions if you answer some of ours.”

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