Yang Alone

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(No POV)

The Atlesian ship Yang owned, Codename: The Athena, was being boarded by The Atlesian Knights. "Come on, my sister is back to necessary health, we are no longer needed here. I'm beginning the hunt for the assailant known as Cinder Fall and the terrorist known as Blake Belladonna." Yang ordered to the soldiers.

With the soldiers boarding the ship it was ready to take off. It flew up into the atmosphere, Vale shrinking in the distance.

"Atlesian Knight 0398, Status report." Yang asked of the Knight piloting the ship. "All dust is loaded, no reports from Professor Ozpin, the casualties from yesterday is reported as six, all murders committed by terrorist Blake Belladonna, and all weaponry was loaded by Atlesian Knight 047." The Piloting Knight reported. Yang chuckled slightly at the name of the last knight. AK-47. Hehe.

(Yang's POV)

I sat on my bed looking at a security cam picture of the terrorist. "She's kind of cute." I said but quickly trying to retract the statement, but I knew it was fruitless, every room in the ship was being recorded.

A loud banging noise sounded through the ship. "The Hell is that noise?" I asked to pretty much nobody. The noise sounded again. A loud boom. Suddenly the ship was going down. I flew up toward the ceiling and hit my head.


I woke up, looking around, I saw that my ship was trashed. I held my arm and walked through the demolished corridor.

"Atlesian Knight... *cough* 0398... report to the bridge." I choked out. All I heard in return was static... "damn" I said. There's no way they could stay functional after this fall. I need to get out of here.

Everything looked the same. Destroyed. After reviewing the last events it was obvious. We were shot down.

I made it to the bridge and discovered all the Atlesian Knights as scrap metal. "Just as I thought." I said punching the window, watching it shatter. "I wonder how far I fell... I've never been this strong. My aura never ran out? Then how did I get knocked out? Shock? Altitude Sickness? I guess." I surveyed the outside of the ship, it looked like pure wilderness. I darted out of the ship and turned in all directions. Nobody. I'm screwed. Hopefully video feed of the crash made it through. Uncle Qrow can come rescue me.

Until then I should retain my position.


(Blake's POV)

I marched through the hallways of the White Fang headquarters. My mask covering my look of grandeur. I shoved open the doors and gazed at the throne... and our violent leader... my father.

"Hello Blake." He said stoically. "Father." I replied, not showing emotion in tandem. "I need your report from the failed attack on Vale, just who was it that defeated my daughter?" Gira said whilst pulling a grape from his young servants hand. I think her name was Kali.

"It was an Atlas Specialist." I said calmly.

"I see... see to it she is dealt with." Ghira said with tranquil fury.

I took my stride to leave the room.

(Yang's POV)

I woke up the next morning, my stomach growled in anguish. "Shit... I need to find something to eat." I said before getting up, holding my stomach.

I made my way into the dense forest around me, there's so much. Fog, moist trees, small reptiles everywhere.

A shadow stormed by, shaking the ground slightly and knocking me off balance.

"What is that?..." I uttered curiously.

Emerged from the shadows was Blake Belladonna.

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