Chapter 23

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Narration will start on the night Chaeyoung and Red will meet.


It was a pretty busy day but Chaeyoung's thought were wandering on a certain heiress. She's trying to focus on what to do but the girl would always make her way inside her mind. However, everything has been prepared, from what she's going to say to the proofs that she's going to present. Somi has also already told the man that she's going to bring the girl tonight and he was pleased to the news. Everything was perfect but when the time has come. All their plan has turned to dust.

On an abandoned building far away from the city. Red decided to meet there with only Chaeyoung. He even made it clear not to tie the girl or inflict any harm on her without his knowledge. That made Somi and Chaeyoung confused. It made Somi to be reluctant to agree and let her bestfriend alone with that man but Chaeyoung didn't even flinch from the command. Not that she knows but she alread considered the possibility of him wanting to talk to her about Mina or so she guessed. So she agreed. Even with the constant warning of her friend, Chaeyoung sticked to her decision.

Somi was left with a defeated sigh. She has no choice but to drive the girl to the said building. When they arrive Red's men was already there, waiting patiently. Somi's lover were present too. Minho is giving her a proud smile thinking that her girl made her job right. She didn't response to the smile in fact she's having her solemn expression masking her worries from her friend whom she didn't know would be alive after this night.

Chaeyoung calmly took a step to the building. With each step she could feel her heart to jump any moment. A man in suit guided her through the door to a room that she guessed where her father would wait. Upon reaching the rusty door, the man left her without saying a word. Not asking anything she grab the knob and opened it. It makes a creak sound that you could hear from horror movies. When she entered the room, she was met with silence and a man standing in front of the broken window. Closing the door she took a step closer to him.

"You came" the man turned around and faced her. She doesn't know if she'll be happy or angry seeing the man who brought her to the world .

"I did" she tried to mask her nervousness by making a serious face.

"Never expecting my daughter to meet me this early" Red smiled knowing that it's his win again. Chaeyoung were shocked as the man already knows the truth.


"You're friend is not that good of a liar. When you're friend entered Myoui's household for the first time. I send someone to put a bug on her." He took a step towards the table and opened a bottle of whiskey. Chaeyoung stayed rooted where she's standing. It does makes sense. How stupid she felt for not noticing that the cartel where leading her to do this.

"To be honest, I never expected you to be that junk girl that I dumped on that orphanage. After making investigation I had confirmed that you're my daughter." He poured a glass for two. Chaeyoung could feel her anger rising in her head.

"I never wanted to be your daughter" she formed a fist from the desperate holding in attacking the devil. Any minute could be her, killing the man.

"Oh my dear I know that but.." Having the glass in hand she walk toward the gritting girl. Completely testing her patience. When he's near enough, he lean to whisper her the words Chaeyoung hated the most "You're my daughter and you can't do anything to change that" He then took a step back and watched as her eyes turned into deadly one. "I love those eyes, reminds me of the old days" he sips through his glass. Chaeyoung tried to calm herself in the presence of the intimidating man.

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