Chapter 21

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The surrounding is silent but she could hear her heart breaking every second she makes a step away from the mansion. With her luggage in hand, she left her lover that is still sleeping so peacefully on her bed. She can't leave if the girl is awake, she knows that. She might back out with her plans and just continue to live with her and the lies. She can't endure to see the girl crying with hate in her eyes. She just can't. Chaeyoung knows it's selfish but that is the only way for her to go. She left a letter on the side table of Mina. She wrote everything there with some lies to make the woman hate her so much that she won't even care if Red would do something bad. Well she hopes Mina will because she can't bare to see her suffer again and again.

Arriving at the meeting place, she sat on one of the bus stop's bleachers. Somi will pick her up and later at night would be her first meeting with her father. She didn't expect anything from him. All she want is that he'll stop tormenting Mina. Her thoughts wandering on the heiress again. The pain is real, it is unbearable but for the sake of the one she loves, she'll do anything to stop that man. Even getting herself in danger. She was caught up with her thoughts again. Not noticing the girl she's expecting to see in front of her.

"Do you want to go back now?" Her words took Chaeyoung out of her deep thoughts.

"Ani. Let's go we need to prepare everything" she stood up and walk without sparing a glance to her companion. Somi could only sigh to the stubborn girl. Just then she recieved a text. Reading the message, she bit her lips. Momo agreed to her proposal and she's on her way to Mina. With a sigh of relief, she hopes the older one could convince the girl. Wanting to reply a thanks, she was cut off by the cub who's giving her a look saying to hurry up.

"Somi-ah pali" she called. Somi mentally noted to send a reply later. She ran to the girl and helped her with her luggage. When everything is done, she drove them to her hide out. A place that only her knew.


Mina stirred on her sleep. Reaching for the usual warm on her side, she felt nothing. Opening slowly her eyes, she found the other side of the bed empty. Did she get up early? She thought. When they started their relationship, Chaeyoung rarely gets up first. She usually waits for the older to wake or Mina waits for her and they'll go down together and that's the time she'll cook their breakfast. Weird, she decided to sit up and search the room. There, on the side table of her bed, she found a folded paper and an envelope. Rising her brows, she reached for the letter first. She found her name on it and she recognized the penmanship. To Myoui Mina? Son Chaeyoung really? she chuckled to the formality. Smiling while opening the letter, she started to read the content with expectation but her smile slowly disappears as she further reads.

"No.. this is a joke right" she scorned while talking to herself. She can't believe it. No, she refused to believe. There's no way that Chaeyoung is a daughter of a monster like him. Her mind gone haywire from the new found truth. Looking at the envelope she became more hesitant in seeing it. Inhaling and holding on her last bit of sanity in hand she grab the envelope and ready herself to see that it was just a prank. It must be.

But her prayers doesn't meet her expectation. Inside the envelope is a DNA result of her lover and the man she hated the most. Eyes widening to the realization, she drop the paper to the floor. No.. No.. No.. she chanted inside. Chaeyoung is the daughter of that devil and she wanted to deny it. She refused, how could a sweet girl like her.

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