Chapter 3

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"Chaengchaeng! Waaah-!" Before she could finish her loud crying Tzuyu shoved a large amount of takoyaki on her mouth causing her to gag. They laughed on how stupid her reaction is.

"*cough* wat- *cough* er" Chaeyoung grab the nearest glass and gave it to her. Instead of relief her face suddenly turned red like she's going to explode any seconds. Uh oh.

"Chaengie that's a chilli sauce" Yoda deadpan. Opss... Sorry.

"Fuck it's so hot!!!!!!" Dahyun jumped and wiggled her whole body like she has been possessed. Otteoke.

"Here" A hand appeared with a tumbler on it. Caused by the panic, Dahyun grab it instantly without looking what's inside and drank whatever is in there. They watched as her red face slowly turns back to normal again.

"Woah what did I just drink?" Dahyun asked. All attention was now at the person on Chaeyoung's right.

"It's made from dried shit of a goat" Sana look so serious that Dahyun did believed her. Widened eyes she look so disgusted and started cursing under her breath. Sana just giggled to the Tofu's reaction.

"I'm kidding Dubu. It's a milk I made hahahaha" She laughed.

"I thought I smelled something rotten. So that's it" She nonchalantly said. Sana pouted to her. Chaeyoung just laughed from their antics.

The two had arrived two days ago and they had been together since then. Sana was with them as she was asked to take care of Chaeyoung for the mean time. It's all because of what happened at the underground.


"state your business"

Chaeyoung gulped. The woman looked so serious but still stunning. Now she understood what Momo said as a pain in the ass.

"I brought your assistant" Momo started. She raised an eyebrow. Brr she's like a walking iceberg, really cold. Chaeyoung thought.

"I didn't agree to any of this" She retorted.

"Mina It's ojii-sama's wish" Chaeyoung could feel the tension forming between them. Myoui stepped closer, with a knife in her hand it made the cub's mind go haywire. She could hurt someone with that and that someone can be her.

"So this is my assistant" She stopped in front of her. The younger girl gulped again. She then slowly lifted her hand to her mask.

"A tiger" Then proceeded to take it off her face and look straight to her eyes."Nope, it's actually a cub" She smirked. Even with the intimidating and cold atmosphere, Chaeyoung felt that the girl before her was not dangerous at all. Staring down at her brown orbs, all she could see was a girl concealing her emotions.

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