A Deal

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Head Hoon paced back and forth in worry. They couldn't have gotten far. The place was nearly a maze. Yet somehow they slipped out.

"Where are Rin and Kang!?" he shouted.

"They took the week off since they were relieved of their duties." an underling said then received a slap.

"Why are you standing there!? Go bring them back!" Head Hoon yelled then collapsed into his chair. "Fucking idiots..."

˚。⋆ ⋆。˚ ˚。⋆ ⋆。˚

Soobin awoke in Yeonjun's arms then noticed they were sleeping on an unfamiliar bed. He slipped out of his arms then took in his surroundings. It looked like someone's home. The door opened and he turned to look.

"Kang... where are we? Are we in a different part of the building?" Soobin asked as he looked out the window.

"Is Yeonjun awake?" Kang asked.

"No. Why?" asked Soobin.

"Let me know when he wakes up. Rin and I decided to let you in on something said Kang before leaving.

Yeonjun turned in his sleep before quickly sitting up. He fell into the floor as he had rolled close to the edge.

"You're up. Come on, they have something to tell us." said Soobin happily.

Yeonjun rubbed his eyes as Soobin dragged him out the room. Soobin looked around and saw they were in an apartment. He turned left then found the big open space. He assumed it was the living room from the objects in it.

"We're up!" Soobin shouted as he slapped Yeonjun's cheeks.

Kang appeared then stood before them. Yeonjun was finally awake and looked at Kang. Rin appeared beside him. The duo watched as they took off their hoods and lowered their masks, showing their faces fully. Yeonjun stared at Rin, mouth agape. Kang and Soobin noticed this and frowned at the same time.

"We're going to be out and about for a week, so it's important you both learn our faces." said Rin.

They nodded then watched as they walked away. Yeonjun touched his cheeks as he ingrained Rin's face into his mind. Never would he have thought he'd look so... handsome. He found himself wanting to stare more.

"Hey, Jun. We need to eat. Knowing them we're probably leaving soon." said Soobin as he poked his cheeks.

"Right." said Yeonjun blankly.

˚。⋆ ⋆。˚ ˚。⋆ ⋆。˚

Kang started the car just as Yeonjun had gotten into the backseat with Soobin. Yeonjun leaned more towards the window in an attempt to get a glimpse of Rin's face.

"Remember, don't talk unless necessary or we're alone. If you need or want to go somewhere, make sure one of us is with you. And always, always stay within sight." said Rin as Kang drove towards the highway.

Kang's phone started to ring and Rin answered it. He motioned for the two to remain silent.

"Hello? Yep, I'm with Kang. What? They escaped? Come back? I don't think that's possible right not. Tell Head Hoon we'll keep a lookout in case someone took them in. Understood. Bye." said Rin before hanging up. "Now you see why it's important you keep quiet and listen."

They nodded as the car drove down the highway. Yeonjun looked out the window and wondered how far they were going. What would they do there? Though, anywhere Rin was made him less afraid.

˚。⋆ ⋆。˚ ˚。⋆ ⋆。˚

Kang parked the car then sighed. They made it without any problems. A friend of theirs had left the country for the year and lent them her keys to keep safe. Yeonjun and Soobin took out bags then waited for directions. Rin motioned for them to follow while Kang grabbed the last of their things.

"You'll be staying here with us for a while. When we head back, you're going to act like we caught you. Got it?" said Rin as he opened the door.

They nodded as they followed him in. Rin took them upstairs and had them stay in their friend's room while they stayed in the guest room. Yeonjun bounced on the bed then hurried over to the window. He could see the beach from where they were.

"Their friend is lucky, living near the beach." said Yeonjun sadly.

"Hey, maybe we should contact someone, tell them we're alive." said Soobin.

"And ruin Rin's plan? They're risking their positions and whatnot for us Soobin. Yet here you are, thinking of calling someone? And then what? Have the police knocking on this door, arresting the wrong people?" said Yeonjun angrily.

"Jun... what's gotten into you...?" Soobin asked worriedly.

"You're the one who's changing." replied Yeonjun before leaving the room.

Soobin felt his heart break as he stared at the door Yeonjun walked out of. He really did change. Being forced into strange situations had really taken its toll on his best friend, the man he loved.

˚。⋆ ⋆。˚ ˚。⋆ ⋆。˚

Yeonjun angrily walked towards the beach then stepped into the sand. He knew he wasn't supposed to go anywhere without supervision, but his anger had clouded his judgment. He walked off to a more deserted part of the beach then sat down. His anger slowly started to subside as he watched the waves come onto the shoreline then disappear as if they were never there.

"You don't listen do you?" a voice said from afar.

Yeonjun looked and saw Rin approaching him. He frowned heavily and expected some form of punishment later. Rin sat down beside him and looked out towards the horizon.

"Soobin really cares about you. He was the one who told me you left. It didn't take much to figure out where you went." said Rin without looking at Yeonjun.

"He says I've changed. Yet I don't feel any different. Yet I can feel everything around me changing." Yeonjun said as he looked at the sand.

"You are changing, Yeonjun. Everyone changes day to day, but yours is a more noticeable change." said Rin.

"I'm not buying it..." mumbled Yeonjun.

The wind blew past, tousling their hair in the process. Yeonjun quietly looked at Rin who kept his eyes straight ahead.

"Whether you believe it or not, it's happening. My boss is changing, Kang is changing. I'm changing too." said Rin as he met Yeonjun's eyes. "What we decide to do about these changes is what really matters."

Yeonjun felt his face flush then looked away. He knew something was changing about himself. He knew it was about Rin. Yeonjun looked at his hands then back at Rin.

"I'm attached to you..." Yeonjun confessed after knowing for weeks. "Everything I said about Head Hoon was true. I was only acting up because I wanted to be put back in your care."

Rin looked at Yeonjun who balled his hands into fists. This was the first time he's ever held a captive say that to him. He knew something was up with him, but he didn't think it was something like this. Though, he himself had noticed changes within himself. He cared more than usual.

"Yeonjun, what we say here shall remain here. Only the passing waves and boundless ocean should know of our confessions." said Rin as he watched the waves come in. "I care about you. More than I should."

Yeonjun's eyes went wide at his confession. He never would've known. Rin was good at hiding his emotions.

"Can we... be more open with each other?" Yeonjun asked as he held his hand out.

Rin looked at his hand then rose from his spot and left. Yeonjun's face fell as he let his arm fall. He moved too quick. He sighed heavily then rose from his spot as well but only got so far until Rin had blocked his path. He felt Rin lift his hand then place something in it.

"Let this be a reminder of what I said before. All confessions remain spoken to the ocean." said Rin before walking away.

Yeonjun opened his hand and stared at the shell in his hand. He noticed markings on it that spelled out "yes". A smiled formed on his face as he hurried to catch up with Rin.

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