The First

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There he is... The corpse of a family member. Being fed to my eyes through the images on the screen. Hooked up to machines, with several scientists working around him. It's evident what they're all doing... it's evident what this is.

This is shortly after we first lost Raphael, when I took his life in these unworthy hands. When we sent him down the river with his favorite flowers... When we thought we'd never see him again... And then we saw too much.

The machines are doing everything for him, pumping air into his decaying lungs, sending tiny shocks to his pure heart to mimic beating... And then I feel my own heart clench at the sight of a certain figure entering the camera frame.


The villain of man walks into view, in his armour as always. He makes an utterly disgusted noise, evidently towards Raphael's dead body, "Such a pitiful waste of mutant tissue... Too peaceful." Without any warning signs Shredder's hand latches itself like a blood-sucking leach around Raphael's throat, squeezing tighter and tighter, causing the machines to fall into madness all around the scientists who're trying to accomplish the exact opposite of Shredder.

After several long moments that cause my family and I to inch forwards, wanting to save the body that we've already lost before, Shredder finally throws Raphael's head back with a loud crack against the metal experiment table before turning away and waving a hand to dismiss himself, exiting the camera view. It's left to the assumption that he left the room altogether, because the scientists look genuinely less strained as they fight to get Raph's body back to where they'd had it before... and then make even more progress.

The video's streaming cuts out soon after, but the end of the video is what confirms the agony of my family and I... The video ends with it's own title...

"Tape #1"

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