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I stole

Cause that what I do

Cause that what I do

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1. Favourite animal?

I like tigers UwU

2. Favourite colour?


3. Currently reading?


It a good book
About 3 best friends
And 2 of them start to date
Also they all girls

4. Netflix or Hulu?

Idek Hulu

So Netflix

5. Favourite Wattpad OC?

Eeeeeh idk

Milani ÙwÚ

6. Eye colour?


7. Favourite place?

Eeeh I guess home

8. Instagram or Snapchat?

Snapchat is too much effort

So Instagram

9. Favourite book to read?

The Smoke Thieves

It be very very good UwU

10. Currently watching?

Mmmm nah

11. Sleep or food?

Can't survive without either

12. Disney or Nick?

Disney UwU

13. Favourite food?


14. Nickname?

Mmmm Saph, Sapphy, Saphywy

15. Done any collab books?

Mmm I was actually planning on one a while ago with someone, but we never started it XD


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