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Ye so... I was tagged for the tag I made myself... soooo


Tagged by Hanae_Rose_

Tagged by Hanae_Rose_

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The picture I got:

The picture I got:

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Let's begin


"Okay, how about this: I'll give you my lunch for a whole month if you can get to the other side of the parking lot in 10 seconds."

Hizashi, the dumb idiot, had lost a bet and wanted to get back at Tensei, no matter what.

"Are you kidding me? That's way too easy," he scoffed upon hearing the dare.

"Alright, let me make it harder for you. You have to take Aizawa with you. In a grocery cart!"

"Don't you dare dragging me into this," Aizawa said, shooting a glare at the blond guy.

"I'll babysit your cats when you're gone next week."


And there they were, Aizawa sitting in the cart, Tensei standing behind it and Hizashi on the other side of the parking lot.

"3, 2, 1, GO!"

Tensei activated his quirk, and they shot forward with an immense speed. They were so gonna win this bet.

That was until, out of nowhere, a car appeared, ready to leave the parking lot. Tensei panicked, knowing that he couldn't stop the cart at this speed, and so he threw the thing up in the sky.



Let me tell you, I have no idea what I just wrote

So please ignore this shit

Thank you


Am I going to fite myself?

Answer: I am lazy and fabulous

So no

Here are you pics, chosen ones



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(Don't ask. Just don't)


Time to get creative

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Time to get creative

And like last time, welcome to hell


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