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Okay so Wattpad has been pretty quiet lately, and I don't like it, because now I actually have to do stuff.

So, I thought, let's ask you guys random questions, but instead of having to make a whole new chapter you can just answer them here, and you don't have to tag people.

Because nobody likes tagging people. I think.

(I mean the reason why I don't like it is that it takes a lot of time to search people, because I feel like I can't tag complete strangers, but I also don't want to keep tagging the same people. I also don't want to bother people with it)

BUT! Problem! I suck at asking questions.

So I have decided to just use the questions that the teabags always ask. (The tea here has questions to help people who suck at socializing. Like me. Thanks, tea.)

If you wanna, answer them. 

If you don't... don't.

I wanna answer them. So I'm gonna do that :3

HOLY- That are a lot of questions... I'll pick a few...

Do you sing in the shower?

Which language would you like to speak?

Which nickname would you give yourself?

Would you rather cook or order your food?

What was the last thing you laughed about?

For which person would you start a fanclub?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What is the last dream you remember?

What was the last thing you bought?

And my answers!

Do you sing in the shower?

Nah. I do listen to music and dramatically mouth the words tho.

Which language would you like to speak?

Hm... French or Japanese. French is horrible to learn, but I really like the way it sounds. Japanese just sounds kinda cute in my opinion.

Which nickname would you give yourself?

When I was younger, I wanted to be called Tiger. But the nickname my mom got me was Mouse... ;-;

Would you rather cook or order your food?

If I had to cook it myself, then order. I can't cook. Tried it once. Complete disaster.

What was the last thing you laughed about?

A video, actually. A Dutch video. My dad was watching it again, and everytime I see it I crack up.
It's this boy that's getting interviewed at some sort of playground or festival, and he's been asked what he is gonna do next.

 "I'm definetely gonna... eeh... for sure ... gonna ... eeh... slap on a little kid." (He really said 'on' XD)


For which person would you start a fanclub?

Is that even a question? Shinsou Hitoshi.

(I didn't choose Barry because I think because LapisLazulli2 and I already did that once? Not sure tho XD Somewhere I just remember us arguing about who would be the president)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

5 years... Let's see, I'll be graduated from this school by then, and then I'll have to do hbo or attend an university, so more studying! Yay!

What is the last dream you remember?

That was actually from yesterday. 

I was in Paris (well, it was a big beach and the Eiffel tower was there, so? Not really Paris but close enough) (also, it was really beautiful, it was night and there were lights everywhere and stars and aah I wanna go back to that dream...) with school, and we were staying at this fancy hotel, but all of us had to share one room. I was sleeping on the ground. Yay.

For some reason, my POV changed from me to a guy (who I have never met???) (also, the POV was that I wasn't him, it was more like I was following him) suddenly an older guy knocked on the window. Guy 1 followed Guy 2 and they were jumping from roof to roof and skating (why??) and then they went to see a movie, and Guy 1 was suddenly dressed as Jack Sparrow.

After the movie they went to this place and Me was there and I was like 'those boots are awful wtf' and he said that he changed his own clothes for the Jack Sparrow one and I laughed and for some reason we were best friends.

The end.

What was the last thing you bought?

A giraffe plushie. It was a gift. (But I wanted to keep it myself ;-;)

And no tagging! Because my rules! HAHAHA!

Randomness 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя