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I don't remember if I was tagged tho...

I think I just stole it from LapisLazulli2

I think I just stole it from LapisLazulli2

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1. Crush?

Only fictional ÙwÚ

2. Where were you 3 hours ago?

At the same place I am right now. Home.

3. What's your passion? Are you a noob or a professional?

Hockey. You might have thought I'd answer writing, but no. Hockey is honestly one of my reasons to be alive. And yes, I'm very serious about that. When I hockey, I forget about the whole world around me. At that moment, only me, my team, and scoring is important.

I wouldn't say I'm a professional, far from, really. But I'm not exactly a noob anymore either.

4. Someone you will protect with your life.

My family.

5. Is any member of your family royalty?

Not that I'm aware of.

6. Best friend.

No picking uwu

7. Favourite anime.

Hm, I'll go with BNHA. I just really love all of the characters, and I honestly wanna know all of their back stories.

8. Least favourite anime

Idk where I got this anime from, but for reason I watched it? It wasn't necessarily bad, but I just didn't enjoy it oof. I forgot the name, but it was something like a girl beating boys? Idk, it was basically just fighting all the time.

9. Favourite female character.

I wanna say this one character, but she is also waifu and that question comes later, so I'll just choose someone else for now.

I wanna say this one character, but she is also waifu and that question comes later, so I'll just choose someone else for now

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Taiga Aisaka.

She is the first female character I got to know from anime, and honestly I really enjoyed her. She's adorable. And badass. And adorable.

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