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You remember my OC Himura Yuu?

Because change of plans.

I'm gonna change his quirk a little.
His quirk is ghost, but in his introduction chapter I explained that he has two 'forms'. Touchable, and not touchable. I'm gonna scrap that. He's a ghost, and therefore intangible (still not quite sure what that word means, but I gotta trust translate). He still has Hitodama tho (will o' the wisps).

But, how will he become a hero when he can't touch anything?

Simple, he won't.

He knows that it'll be impossible for him to become a hero, but he still wants to help people. He doesn't want people to suffer the same fate as him.

He enters U.A., but not in the hero course. He goes to the department of Management, and he ends up in class 1-J. For the ones who don't know the department (it hasn't appeared in the anime or manga I think), it focuses on all aspects of heroic business.

Yuu isn't gonna become a hero, but his dream is to one day start his own hero agency.

I have also a bit more about his personality.

I said his arrogance was pretty big, and it still is, but I wanna add that he also pretty much says whatever is on his mind. 
He also kinda thinks he is better than the rest, since he is technically older (even tho he doesn't age anymore). 
He also still loves to scare people, and he likes to think that he is mysterious, which he really isn't. The only secret is that no one knows how old he was when he died, and how long he has been on earth.

I think that's all I wanna say for now...


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