[7] Leave

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"SOPHIE, NO!" Erin's voice scattered across the endless hallway.

The figure then switched its aim to Erin and sprinted in her direction, leaving me like a dog bored with a toy.

Erin yelled, "RUN, Sophie! Get to the butterfly room!"

The figure's long black cloak swayed behind it as it left me. It sprinted even faster toward Erin.

What or who is this figure?

I spotted my inhaler a distance away, next to the door to the butterfly room. Then Erin.

She is saving my life? What do I do?

Erin locked eyes with me, "GO!" she ordered.

I hesitated, but then I sprinted into the butterfly room snatching my inhaler along the way.

I breathlessly shut the door and collapsed to the floor. My chest began pounding again. My breathing quickened.

It's happening again.

I fumbled with my inhaler as I kneeled on the ground. I could feel the energy draining from my body. I need air; I need to breathe.

I took a breath through my inhaler. Crrrrrsh.

1, 2, 3, 4. . .

Tears began to fall from my eyes, the pain in my heart hurt so much. I was just with my family in the hospital and now I'm here and now there is something or someone attacking my friend and there is nothing I can do.

I made a friend and she probably hates me now. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I hope Erin is okay. . . I have to check.

I clasped onto my bowtie necklace. It only gave me enough strength to crawl to the door and open it.

"Erin?" my voice hesitated to ask, afraid of the thing hearing me.

I gripped the door frame and pulled myself so I can see around the corner.

Please be okay, please be okay.

I spotted Erin's body on the floor, her gray hair scattered across her face messily. No figure. She was alone. Safe. . .

"ERIN!" the adrenaline in me enabled me to reach her as I ran towards her and held out my hand to help her up, "Let's get out of here!"


Erin remained still. I kneeled down. . . slowly.


A hint of laughter spilled out of her lips. But this laugher was low and deep. Definitely not her voice.

Erin's hand grazed the gray hair across her face revealing her eyes as she sat upright.

They were no longer gray but a dark abyss that appeared as if I was looking into a bat cave.

"You're marked

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"You're marked. Come with me," a slight smile curled her lips as her deep laughter sent shivers down my spine. 

This wasn't a friendly smile. Not like when we danced together. This isn't the Erin I met. My heart sank in my chest as fear drowned it.

"It's time to leave. You must leave. Leave." her voice sounded as if many voices were speaking at once.


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