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The Pact

~100 years ago~

The fire licked away at the branches, pulling its leaves off in quick seconds while emanating pleasant warmth and brightly light. Beside the stony outwork, children in barely any clothing danced around the flaming spirit, fanning their praises as the spark blazed before their eyes.

"Gather around children." An ancient voice crooned. "Now I will tell you a story from long long ago. A time when the gods lived among men."

"Wow..." the little, dirty-faced children fluttered in utter amazement.

"Yes young ones. The story starts from long long ago." wrinkled fingers reached towards the sky where stars blinked their affirmation in silver twinkles. "Once upon a time, there was a river goddess named Idemili..."

"Idemili." The woman watching from a distance whispered to the wretched looming darkness while concealed in the shadows that twisted around her. "Answer my prayers. I just want one of mine to be among them. Please." Her soft voice turned hoarse as tears dropped down her cheeks.

"Obiajeli I have been looking for you all over. Why are you here?" Firm hands grasped her shoulders and twirled her around.

"My Lord." She sighed deeply as she sank into his arms.

"I have told you more than a hundred times to stay away from the square at night and stop listening to the children's moonlight tales, but you just will not listen to me."

"How can I stay away my Lord? I wish and hope each day that a miracle would happen, but none does. I–"

"That is not an excuse." His gravelly voice turned raspy as he spoke with an unhidden cast of frustration. "Listen to me woman. You must obey all that I say, and that means there will be no more sneaking out of the house when I am away and neither will there be any further incidents of you crying alone when you are far from me. Is that clear?"

"Yes my Lord." She answered as a smile made its way onto her lips. "Of course my Lord." Her embrace tightened around him, seeking warmth and comfort.

"What would I do if anything happened to you Obiajeli? How will I live without you?"

"I will always be by your side my Lord, till the day I breathe my last. But I fear it might be soon if things do not change. I do not know what I will do if I am not showing by the end of the rituals."

"Do not say that." His tone was firm and commanding. "We have no reason to think of such. All will be well according to the will of the gods and I know the goddess will grant us our wishes."

"Do you really think our prayers will be answered my Lord?"

"No, I don't think they will. I know. The goddess always keeps her word and we have sacrificed and made into being all that she has asked of us. All we have to do now is have faith and hope. Doubts will get us nowhere."

"You are right my Lord."

"Is there any time I have been wrong?" He playfully asked as he pasted a kiss on her forehead.

"I cannot remember my Lord."

"You praise me way more than you should."

"No one deserves so more than you do my Lord, Ikemba." Obiajeli smiled at her husband with a tender heart and cheered soul. She loved him more than she could ever explain in words and it pained her to see him ridiculed for the situation they were in.

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