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•The Evening Dance•
Heavy beads on the hips of the maidens shook as they wriggled their waists to the beats concocted by the village drummers. Their bodies writhed and whined to the ruthless rhythm that seemed to command their steps. But alas, they were alive. Each stamp of graceful feet caused the ground to rumble in response, sharing their entrancing zeal.

The young men stood by, fooling around like they were intoxicated by every missable gesture thrown in their way.

Undoubtedly, the view was indeed sweet as wine to their sight as they held back from the jubilee, instead feeding their eyes on curves bloomed on bosoms while ne'er failing to satisfy their desires. All that was desired in their selfish hearts was to feast on the new wines; to take complete ownership.

Ikenna stood alone in a corner where he could see everything; those who were dancing and those who gaped without stopping.

Beautiful maidens flirted and flitted close to him, displaying their deep cleavages through the red wrappers wound around their chests. But they had no effect on the man as handsome as day for it was clear that they weren't close to being his woman.

While the chaos went on, Ikenna's eyes sailed over the multitude. Still he couldn't find her.

Is she not going to show up? He thought as his brows wrinkled in worry. The dance was meaningless to him if she wasn't there, just as his life would be without her in it.

Worry had already gnawed deep, forming a pit inside of Ikenna when he caught a flash of yellow wrapper followed by a twirl of red, clay beads. Royal beads. His breath rose and his heart began to beat faster as he moved towards her.

It was like a magnet attraction; as soon as one sensed the other, everything else was history. Seeing Asuka meant that he was in a new world with only her in it.

"My love." He snaked his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her to himself.

"Ikenna." She smiled, but quickly turned around to face him.

"I have missed you." Ikenna sighed as he took her face in his hand.

"I have missed you too. But we have to leave here or we will be caught by my father's guards. I told them I am only here to watch the dance and we have to be careful especially as we are not at our secret hideout yet." Asuka looked around nervously.

She was on an edge as she knew the consequences they would face if any of her father's spies were to see her with Ikenna. The result would be an immediate end to their relationship and her as well as Ikenna's freedom. It would even be worse when it was found out that Ikenna had touched her in ways that hadn't tipped a hat in respect of the fact that she wasn't yet his wife. Although Asuka was still a virgin, she had given herself to Ikenna in every other way possible.

"Alright. Come let us go to our hiding spot." Ikenna held on to her hand and together they slipped out of reach of the raging throbs of beatings on stretched, dried skin.

Hot sand scorched the bottom of Ikenna's feet as he hurried after Asuka. It seemed like he would always be chasing her—both literally and figuratively.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if they would ever finally be together. His mind skimmed over this thought with a painful longing but he quickly brushed it aside and tried not to pay mind to it. He had to live in the present and stop worrying about the future.

Playing hide and seek was a game Asuka loved. She always felt her heart beat in thrill and anticipation for hands that could descend on her any moment she didn't expect. Today, she had hidden more carefully than normal, and Ikenna ran out of options quickly, noticing that she wasn't in any of her usual spots.

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