He kept his hands at his sides and bowed. It caught you off guard; you weren't sure if you should do the hand thing or not. "Hajimemashite(2). I am Japan. It is a preasure to meet you." He glanced up and offered you a small, almost shy, nod. You nodded back, holding your hands in front of you uncertainly.

"Aiyah, Japan, I was going for the modern approach! She is young, after all," China huffed, puffing his cheeks out a little. Japan shook his head.

"This is my usuar, traditionar introduction," he replied simply. China sighed. The platinum-haired man chuckled cheerfully, making you turn toward him.

"I guess it is my turn, da?" He giggled, smiling. You raised your eyebrows, but nodded all the same. His childish smile, it seemed to you, had a frightening undertone to it. "Privet(3), I am Russia. Let's get along, da?" You nodded.

"So we are waiting for paper to learn her name?" China asked England.

England sighed. "Unfortunately, yes..."

"I have an idea!" Russia said, still smiling. "We can carve it on the wall, da?"

"Um..." Canada whispered.

"That's a weird idea, aru." China spoke up. "But do you mean like with Japan's katana(4)?" He asked Russia.

"Da," Russia confirmed.

"I don't see why not." England mused. "I say we try it out."

"Wait." Canada whispered again. "S-Shouldn't we just wait? Italy and the others should be coming soon. Maybe we should try not to damage anything in the house-"

"-Let's do it, then!"

You saw the quiet blonde sigh in disappointment. Meanwhile, you were confused. They had completely ignored him. And it made sense to just wait for paper to come; there was no real gain in doing it now. But then again, they didn't need to worry about damaging this hellhole, as you had done so more than enough and it didn't seem to make a difference with how you faired. But it was a valid opinion all the same.

You watched Canada's eyes fall to the floor. A wave of sympathy hit you.

Without a second thought, you walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, like he had a while ago to you. He jumped a little and looked up at you with big, purple eyes. They held a question. But you just shook your head at him.

Then you clapped your hands. All eyes snapped to you. You took a step back and gestured to Canada. You simply crossed your arms and waited.

Canada glanced back at you, eyebrows raised in surprise, and suddenly realized what you had done for him. He flushed a light pink. "O-oh! Thank you," he told you, and then quickly turned to the others. "I-I don't know if carving into the wall would be a good idea... it's okay if we wait a little bit to hear it, right? And I think I saw Italy carrying around a notebook, too, so he probably has paper... so it's okay if we wait a little bit... r-right...?" His voice shook at the end. He fiddled with his fingers nervously and waited for their response.

You nodded at his words. You remembered writing your name in Italy's journal. Did he still have it?

Does he remember me?

You would see him soon. It would only be a matter of time before you had to face him again.

But what was this feeling in your chest? Longing? Regret? It had been so long since you've felt so many different emotions so you couldn't tell. You weren't sure how to react to seeing him again. Would you freak out? Would he?

Unraveling the World | HetaOni (Hetalia x Mute!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now