Chapter 27

447 25 19

Unknown POV

I gritted my teeth.

Nayoung had failed me.

I needed money desperately.

Time to take matters into my own hands.


"I need to go grocery shopping today," I whined.

"You don't have to," Namjoon winked.

I rolled my eyes, "If I don't go grocery shopping, we're going to starve and I won't be able to cook."

"That's okay. We can order out," Namjoon pouted.

"That's not healthy for the babies," I protested.

He frowned, "Once in a while?"

I pinched his cheeks, "Soon Mister Kim."

I got up and got our cloth bag that we used to carry groceries in.

A shiver ran down my spine as I was getting ready.

Something felt off.

Today felt strange and ominous.

"Joonie!" I called.

"Yeah what's up?" He said, coming to my side.

"I have a request..."

After telling him, I got my bag and left.

The afternoon air was pleasant. Not too warm but not too cool.

It was a bright day.

But a strange feeling lured in the shadows.

I felt like I was being watched and followed.

I guess my senses were on overdrive thanks to my sweet angels inside of me.

But for now there was nothing I could do, so I just walked along and tried to ignore the feeling.

When I got to the grocery store, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder.

I shuddered, but entered the grocery store calmly.

What made me feel better was seeing the BTS members all over the shopping carts.

I grabbed the cart that had Namjoon's face on it, just so I could have him staring at me while I shopped for food to cook for him.

I slowly walked through the aisles, picking up stuff that seemed necessary.

It's a little weird, but I loved to go grocery shopping.

I'm a foodie, so the sight and thought of food makes me tingle with delight.

I pursued my lips at every item there was, desperately wanting to buy it all.

See others have a shopping obsession when it comes to fashion, but my shopping obsession is food.

If I was irresponsible, I would've definitely blown off all my money on food.

Once I had gotten everything I needed, I headed to the checkout counter.

I felt a strange feeling in the air, causing me to shiver.

"Ma'am?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the cashier who was looking very dull and uninterested.

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