Chapter 18

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Super fluffy chapter Bc I missed them being super cute together. Also, Stan Frank Sinatra

"Y/N~" a soft voice purred.

I stirred to see Namjoon hugging my waist as he pressed small pecks on my shoulder.

"Hi baby~" I cooed.

I was fully awoken by a sweet kiss that he pressed to my lips.

"You've been using my chapstick," I giggled, as his lips grazed playfully against mine.

"It tastes sweet right?" He purred.

"Mhm," I hummed, as his lips danced on mine.

He pulled away slowly, leaving my heart stuck in my throat.

"What was that sweet treat for?" I asked.

"Our children," he smiled, looking down to where his hand was on my stomach.

Our bodies were intertwined, but neither of us really minded.

I just sat there playing with his fingers that were latched onto mine.

"You know, we haven't had a normal day for ourselves in a while. And since I've kind of been babyzilla with the whole pregnancy, why don't you choose something for us to do?" I suggested.

"What if I want to stay here in this bed with you all day?" He gushed.

"Then I will stay in this bed all day with you and give you all the snuggles in the world," I replied.

He rested his forehead against mine, "I'm really in love with you."

"Considering we're married, I hope you are," I joked.

He pouted, "Here I am trying to be romantic, and you joke about it."

I lightly let my finger rest on his lower lip.

"Isn't it mesmerizing?" He teased.

I chuckled, "Yes it is."

His cheeks grew a bit red at my remark.

"I love that we still make each other feel like giddy teenagers," I laughed.

"It's really quite sickening don't you think?" He joked.

"That's what makes it endearing," I said.

He pinched my cheeks, "You make my heart melt."

"Okay stop. What are we doing?" I laughed.

He pressed another sweet kiss to my lips.

"We're doing this. Do you not want to?" He teased.

"Stop being a tease," I pouted.

His lips gently ravished mine, feverishly fighting for dominance.

I was more than willing to let him win though.

When Passionate Namjoon comes out, it's most enjoyable to watch him be dominant.

He cupped my face in his hands allowing him to deepen the kiss.

My hands found their way around his neck, bring him closer to me.











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