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Tw- child abuse and verbal abuse

I woke up to see Mikey already up, sitting, watching Y/n, and her guy as they still slept. Creepy creep...

"Gee, wh-what am I g-gonna do? It's all my fault I lost her. I never should've taken that stupid path!" He threw a rock in the water as hard as he could. I couldn't see his face since he was facing the lake, I walked over to get a better look and sat next to him. The horns are gone, that's good...

"I don't know..." I answered honestly. He looked at me with his glossy and puffy red eyes. I hugged him as he cried more. I looked up to see Y/n and mystery boy had awoken. After a few minutes Mikey's cries stopped and we got up from the grass.

"We should probably head over there." I told my heartbroken little brother. He just nodded. We walked to the spot we had been that night except we didn't stop at the bush, we kept walking towards the two.

She was sitting in the grass beside her boy, with her head rested on his shoulder. She looked up and smiled at us.

"Mikey! Gee! You're okay!" She jumped up and gave each of us a short hug.

"It's good to see you're okay as well, sugar." Mikey stayed silent as he stared at his shoes.

"Oh, boys this is Ryan," She gestured over to the messy brown hair, brown eyed boy, "Ryan, this is Mikey," She pointed to Mikey, then pointed to me, "And Gerard."

He nodded, giving us each a short smile along with a little,"Hi" I could feel Mikey's anger and jealousy radiating off of him.

"We should probably get going." She grabbed Ryan's hand and continued down the path. Mikey and I stayed a few feet behind them. Mikey might explode any second...

I looked over at my brother, his horns growing slowly, his eyes rapidly changing from hazel to yellow, back and forth.

"Mikey, calm down." I said, worried.

He spit a black acidic type substance into the side of the path, burning a mark into the grass, "I'm fine." His voice getting deeper as he twitched his face and hands.

"Clearly, you're not fine." His eyes darted back and forth from Y/n, to Ryan, then to their hands. She glanced back at us, Mikey quickly hid his face behind his hands and hair. He clearly didn't want her to see him like this. She moved her gaze back up to Ryan and laughed.

This is awful, I hate this so much... why can't this Ryan guy just leave!? It's not like we already had a good group without him... Mikey looks terrible, what are we going to do? He's getting worse by the second...

She glanced back at us again, "Are you guys hungry?" Mikey hid himself.

"Yeah, sugar." She smiled and threw us each a sandwich and immediately went back to talking with Ryan. Mikey uncovered his face and spat again.

"Mikey, maybe you should tell her what's going on with you, I mean, she might be able to help."

"No, I can't let her see me like this." He took a bite of the sandwich, he opened his mouth to take another bite to reveal fangs slowly growing.

"Mikey, you've got fangs growing! Your eyes are turning yellow! You've got antlers! You're spitting out acid! I don't know if you can tell, but that's not normal!"

"I don't know if you can tell Gee, but this whole place isn't normal! We've been wandering this forest for days as if it's normal, but I got news for you! It's not normal! When are we gonna quit pretending!?"

He was furious, not necessarily at me, but just in general. I hoped. Y/n and Ryan had stopped walking and turned to see what was going on.

"I should be at home! Reading the new fangoria issue and hanging out with the guys! But no, I'm here. Frank and Ray probably think we're dead or something! And who's fault is that? Yours, Gerard! You're the one that dragged me to that stupid party! We just had to go! Well look where that got us, Gee! In this stupid forest that makes no sense! And it'll probably kill us!"

Down In The Forest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now