I'm Gonna Die

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Mikey's pov

I was petrified no, terrified. The hell just happened!?

His gigantic smirk plastered across his huge red face, "...let's play a game," He picked me up with his over sized hand as his beady eyes stared at me, with his mouth dripping drool, "It's called, how long will I let the weak human struggle until it reaches my mouth?"

I'm going to die... and what did I do with my life? Nothing... I haven't even kissed a girl or even learned how to talk to one without shaking or stuttering... I'm gonna die without ever amounting to anything...

I began to silently cry. Tears slowly ran down my face as the boyfriend of my crush, slowly began to eat me.

"Hey Patrick!" Both of our heads turned to see Y/n with a dagger in hand, ready to strike, "Drop him, now!"

Patrick leaned down, and got into her face, letting out a simple, "No." Laughing, as he stood back up, holding me above his mouth, ready to drop. I'm gonna die...

I closed my eyes awaiting my fate, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Y/n running up to Patrick, and stabbing his leg, causing him to scream and wince in pain.

"I'm sorry babe, but you just can't eat my friends!" She screamed, I chuckled a bit. I may be on my death bed, but I can't help it...

He leaned back down into her face, "Maybe you'd rather join him then?" He laughed again, but quickly stopped as Y/n had stabbed up under his chin, causing him to drop me, there was a loud poof and a puff of smoke. I hit the ground with a loud thud as smoke cleared, we saw Patrick turned back to human, laying on the ground.

Gerard came out of hiding and helped me up, as Y/n ran to Patrick, "Patrick? Oh god," We ran to her side, "Patty? Please, baby... " Tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged his motionless body.

"Wh-what happened? How'd I get here?" She let go of him, her eyes widened.

"Patty, you're okay!" She smiled widely, but it soon turned to concern as Patrick looked as if he didn't recognize her at all.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" He sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Her happiness morphed into confusion, then to realization.

"I know what happened to him. Of course! How could I be so stupid to think an actual guy was interested in me? The demons of the forest; they rule the land and like to mess with people," She let out a soft chuckle, "It's sick, but we can't do much about it besides kill them and hope more don't show up." She began to get up.

"We should rest, oh and," She began to turned back to Patrick, "You should probably get home, I'm sure your family is worried sick."

He quickly got up, "Thank you, miss!" He called out as he ran into the deep depths of the dark forest. Wait, if he wanted to eat a human, why didn't he just eat Y/n?

We all sat up against the tree, I was too tired to ask her, so I decided to in the morning. I fell asleep rather quickly and had a strange dream.

I was in the forest with Y/n, she was barefoot and in a plain white dress. She was beautiful, we walked hand in hand around the forest, occasionally stopping to smell flowers or admire a bug or two. It was nice, until she let go, and began to run.

"Mikey, hurry up! We're almost there!" She called, I wanted to run to her so bad, but I was stuck. I couldn't move.

"Y/n! Wait!" I called, I could only hear her humming in the distance. Suddenly, it went black, I was met with a tall slim dark figure, the only light coming from its bright yellow eyes.

"You shouldn't have come here, boy. This forest is no place for a child like yourself," A low voice spat. I attempted to speak but was unable to. The voice laughed lowly, "You'll never make it out here, boy. It's only a matter of time," More laughter erupted from the voice. Everything suddenly began to shake as the voice just said my name over and over again, "Mikey, Mikey, Mikey..." Then finally, it got close to my face, "Time to wake up." The creature smirked.

My eyes opened wide as I woke up to Gerard shaking me and saying my name, "I'm up! I'm up!" I sat up, and looked around. My stomach began to grumble, it's been over a day since we last ate, fuck...

"Do we have any food? I'm starving." I asked, getting up and walking to Y/n, who was ready to finish our journey.

"No, sorry, but I know Brendon will have some." Gerard ran to the other side of her as we walked.

"Hey Y/n?" I need to ask her about last night...

"Yeah?" She looked at me.

"Um, so last night, if Patrick wanted to eat a human, why didn't he just eat you? And what even happened last night? Was that real? What if it happens again? And, you said there's more of those things out there? How are we gonna protect ourselves? And-"

She giggled a bit, "Okay, okay, slow down. Um, he didn't eat me because I didn't pose as a threat, the demons don't like to show their true forms unless there's a true threat, in this case he saw you as a threat for, well, I'm still not sure why he saw you as much of a threat," She giggled again. Ughhh she's so cute...

"Last night was, just another night in the forest I guess. As I said before, this forest is strange so expect more shit like that, and yes, it was totally real. If it happens again, I'll slice em' in half. Yes, more things like that are out there, but I promise I won't let them hurt you guys, okay?"

I just nodded. The rest of the way Gerard and I talked to Y/n about things back home and how much she'll love it. Should I tell her about the dream I had? It might mean something... that figure was terrifying... but it was just a dream... not real... right?

This story is a lot of fun to write, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do, have a sick day~ peace out cheesebags

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