Authors Note

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Hello everyone! It is I, foodlover!

This is my first book (on this account- if you don't know what I'm talking about read my profile description).

I welcome all criticism to help me improve my work but hate comments are not appreciated on this account or book.

Now to clarify things, this is a yandere x female reader book meaning there will be a lot of gore and forced love. If you do not feel comfortable with these subjects, please do not continue to read this book. However if you are fine with this content then read on!!!

The plot and characters are all mine (except for (Y/N) of course)- please do not copy my idea.
The cover was created by me!

A little key for the people who are new to these books.

(Y/N)- Your name.
(H/C)- Hair colour.
(H/L)- Hair length.
(E/C)- Eye colour.
(S/T)- Skin tone.
(F/C)- Favourite colour.
(N/N)- Nickname.

These are a few of the basic keys that you will need to know.

But apart from that, there's nothing else to say, so if you have stayed to actually read this authors note then well done because I'm proud of you!

Anyways enough of my useless talking, on with the book!


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