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Why wear a mask?", an annoying slut face asked.

"So that you won't haunt me after your death, pretty boy"


Life was always filled with boredom but suffocating responsibilities.

I was merely a simple double edged knife to the people who used me as if I was a puppet to fulfill their own desires;

Even for my parents.


Life was always normal, lived in an average family; Not too poor nor too luxurious and spoiled.

Though I knew something fishy was going on since the beginning.


"Roselyn, mind coming to work with me today?"

He asked quite too excited and god knows why?


That's how it all started?

"You were already being trained even though you never knew"

Oof and here comes my answer flying towards me through my his words as if he had just read my mind.

"Hm ok? What do I have?", he was quite flustered since I asked as if there was nothing wrong in this new world that I'll be stepping in.

"Nothing much, just wanted you to get rid of some annoying pests", he smirked completely satisfied.

"Finally, I thought you would never ask", sarcasm filling my voice as I shot him a death glare.

"No game or game over?" he asked the famous question.

"Game over"


A/N: So guys, this is my 1st time writing a proper mystery and thriller+action on wattpad...And if I suck at this job or if any of are willing give me any feedback (Positive criticism is accepted but the other way around) Pls leave in the comments so that I could improve my skills and gift you all more none boring but interesting and high quality books, ok?

Also don't forget to vote and give a follow if you really enjoy my books <3

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