Start from the beginning

She stumbled backwards. "What?"

"Marry me."

"I heard the investigator, and I know you're trying to save me, but I only have a few more weeks, then I'll be home free."

His stomach jumped into his throat. Everything he'd denied for so long crashed down on him with an unbearable force bringing the truth with it. "I'm not trying to save you. Maybe I need you to save me."

"From who?"


There. He'd gotten it all out. Almost. "I'm a selfish prick because I know you'd be better off with someone else. But without you that old house has been more of a prison than Huntsville ever was. I'm suffocating, Zoya. I don't want to wake up another day knowing I can't see you. Touch you. Hear your fucking word-of-the-day. But being with me won't be easy. Everyone will use me against you. They'll say you're crazy to tie yourself to an ex-con. Claim I only want you for your money. You're going to be hurt, and it'll be my fault. But I love you so damn much. I know..."

She pressed her hand to his mouth. "Stop talking." Then she kissed him. Long.Hard. Hot. Lust ripped through him with as much force as the jagged knife Danny had used. Roman had been without her too long. She was still Zoya. Soft and warm and giving and his. Desperate to have her, be inside her, with her, he slid his hands to the button of her skirt, undid it and then the zipper. "Get rid of this."

She stepped back enough to let the garment pool at her ankles, kicked out of it, then grabbed the hem of her blouse and stripped it off. She wasn't wearing a bra and the sight of those perfect tits caused his cock to jump. God, it felt like years since he'd touched her, tasted her, held her, he wanted to do everything at once.


He slid his hands to her hips and nudged her until she bumped the counter. "Keep the shoes." Her breath caught, and he kissed her, licking into her hot, wet mouth. She shivered, and he spun her around, pulled her backside tight against him, and whispered in her ear. "Ease your panties down slowly." Damn, there was something about watching lace slide off her sweet ass that tore him up inside. His balls drew so high and tight, he thought they might pop out the top of his head.

Once she was naked, he turned her to face him again, dropped to his knees, and picked up her panties, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. "Wet."

Her breath came in heavy gasps. She widened her stance, threaded her fingers through his hair and urged him forward. "Please, Roman."

God, he loved it when she begged. He blew a hot breath across her center and raised to flick the belly button ring with his tongue. "I'm glad you kept this."

She pressed down on his shoulders.

He chuckled. Then kissed one inner thigh, then the other, palmed her hips with both hands, brought her to his mouth, and licked into her.

She whimpered the breathy sound he loved so much. The one that told him she liked what he was doing. God, he'd missed that. Dreamed about it. He paused and looked up at her. "Watch me."

She struggled for breath. "What?"

"Don't take your eyes off me until you come." Then he went back to work.

Zoya tried to pull air into her lungs, but only managed to half fill them. He loved her. Loved her. Maybe not at first, but now, he loved her, and that's all that mattered. She tried to pinpoint when things changed between them. When he'd started loving her, but couldn't concentrate on anything but the sound of his moans as he tasted her. And when he brought her leg over his shoulder to go deeper, she stopped watching because her eyes rolled back in their sockets. A second later, he withdrew and hit the right spot because he had her body memorized inside and out. She'd never understand how he did that.

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