Chapter Seventeen:

Start from the beginning


Lucy sat bored as Whatevra and the other girls sat around, braiding each other's hairs and talking. "Sooooo, who's ready for...Boy talk?" Queen Whatevra said as the girls each began to giggle excitedly, each of them except for Lucy and a confused Dr.Fox. "You want to discuss about boys, easy, i know about every anatomy from animal to human to Lego figure-" Dr Fox rambled on proudly, "N-no not THAT boy talk-ew, she means like..crushes" Susan whispered as Dr.Fox nodded, still confused. "So...Spill, who are all y'alls crushes?" Whatevra's eyes sparkled. "Doe's cotton candy count as a crush?" Unikitty asked as she paused shoving her face with more cotton candy. "Sure, why not?" Wanabi smiled, Unikitty smiled at this and continued to eat. "I chose the life of science instead of love a LONG time ago" Dr. Fox said happily, "i got Batman of course" Wanabi showed off, "and i got no one.." Lucy muttered under her breath, scared to actually find out whether it was actually the end for her and Emmet."Okay, okay, so there's this guy at the space station-" Jenny gushed. "Wait, you dont like Lenny or Benny?" Susan raised an eyebrow. "What- EW no- they are like my brothers" Jenny stuck her tongue out as the others nodded somewhat embarrassed for thinking anything more of her and them. "So, who's this astronauts name then?" Wanabi said as they scooted closer to her.

"..Johnny" she half whispered out as they all giggled, Lucy groaned at their reaction as she ate popcorn bored. "His hair is a nice, dark brown, and his eyes sparkle-" Jenny continued, "how does his eyes sparkle, they are just black dots-" Lucy snapped as they all turned to her annoyed. "Hes a new Mini-figure and has SPARKLE GREEN EYES" Jenny snapped back as Lucy nodded awkwardly, sipping her drink, "My bad.." she muttered. "What's been eating at you?" Susan then raised an eyebrow, "Nothing.." Lucy muttered. "I can confirm it is nothing, there seems to be no disease or bacteria harming her at the moment" Dr. Fox declared as she put her bacteria scanner away. "Oh come on, you can tell them, they are your friends" Queen Whatevra smiled. "I don't wanna talk about it-" Lucy muttered. The girls groaned at this statement. "Is it something to do with you and Emmet's fight?" Unikitty then asked innocently. Lucy paused long enough for them to understand.

"hey, it's gonna be okay-" "Just stop- I HATE when people say that, IT ISNT, I MESSED UP AND EMMET HATES ME AGAIN- REX IS GONE AND ITS MY FAULT AND THERES NOTHING I CAN DO TO FIX IT!!" Lucy finally blurted out as they all stared at her bewildered. Lucy then hugged her knees and hid her face as she began crying. The girls looked at one another awkwardly, "what do we do?" Susan whispered nervously. "I dunno, Mayhem is like her best friend, she would have known what to say-" Jenny whispered back. "umm, why don't we talk about something else?" Whatever began to sweat nervously as she chuckled.


Emmet stared out the same exact balcony that he and Rex had destroyed a few days back. It was now fixed, but Emmet noticed a piece that was still missing. He sighed softly before looking up determined again. "I can do this-I-I C-cant-NOT do this" Emmet said to himself. "cant not do what weirdo?" Batman then questioned, leaning against the door. Emmet yelled as he jolted around. "Batman- you scared the BRICKS out of me-" Emmet sighed heavily, "ew gross- and are you planning on leaving to find your sister or something?" Batman raised an eyebrow. "I don't have a sister-" "really, cuz I was almost a hundred percent sure Rex was a girl-heh that was a good one you can't even deny that-" Batman complimented himself as Emmet groaned annoyed. "what? Bad timing?-" "yea- real bad timing.." Emmet snapped back. Batman nodded awkwardly. "well, if it makes you feel any better,I can help ya find him.." Batman mumbled out. Emmet paused. "w-wait, really?" Emmet turned, truly surprised by his statement. "....PFT NO-" Batman laughed out his obnoxiously loud laugh.

Emmet sighed, "I should have expected that.." He frowned. "N-no but in all seriousness, I'll help" Batman wiped a tear away as he calmed down from laughing. "...why do you want to help exactly?" Emmet squinted his eyes. "cause I'm a super hero DUH, also my Queen is having a sleepover and-get this- SHE DIDNT INVITE ME- like who doesn't want Batman at their sleepover?!"Batman hissed at the thought of the Batmanless sleepover they were having. "It's a 'girls' sleepover thing" Emmet shrugged, "So what if it's girls, Batman will face any challenger AND WIN- Woman or man" Batman shrugged. "...what kind of sleepovers do you have that theirs opponents?" Emmet asked curiously as well as disturbed. "wait, your telling me that you dont arm wrestle and throw batarangs at one another at sleepovers?" Batman raised an eyebrow. "what the-n-NO YOU DONT DO THAT- At least I don't think you do, if I'm being honest I've never had a sleepover" Emmet shrugged. Batman gasped at this for a long period of time as Emmet waited awkwardly.

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