Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day, Isabella called Lana and offered to pay for a day at a spa as a way to repay her for being such a dick the last two weeks. She explained what had happened in the street and how Tom had found her. Lana didn't even need to hear her explanation to know she would accept her apology. Isabella was her best friend and she knew how bad she was hurting. She was just thankful that nothing worse had happened.

They got to the Akasha day spa and opted for the "A Celebration for Two" package. After speaking with their personal consultant, they were led to a large double suite where they dropped their bags and ran to the plush robes and freebies that awaited them. Changing into bathing suits, they got into the huge double bath, sinking down into the warm water, breathing in the relaxing aromatic oils that had been placed in there earlier. Lana sighed in relief as she lay in the water, submerged up to her neck. A platter with champagne and fresh fruit was brought it and placed on the side of the tub for them to pick at as they relaxed.

"Man, this is the life!" Lana said as she plucked a strawberry and plopped it in her glass of champagne.

Isabella laughed as she took a sip of her champagne. "Yes, I could get used to this!"

"Well, if you marry Tom someday, you can have this every day!" Lana said and Isabella began choking on her champagne.

Lana sat up with alarm as her friend took in a shuddering breath. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just not used to drinking something so expensive," she said sheepishly, cursing herself for reacting to Lana's comment about marrying Tom.

"You know, I was very happy to hear from you this morning. I was up all night worrying about you," Lana said, downing the rest of her champagne and putting the flute down.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry about all of that. I don't know what came over me. I was out of my mind. I see that now. It's like I unknowingly let Jackson seep into my brain and he was controlling me. When I thought I saw him down that street, the same one where he threatened to kill me, I just lost it. The past and the present blended together and I couldn't make sense of any of it. I barely registered anything going on around me before Thomas found me, crying like a baby on the floor. I realize now that I need help."

Isabella looked down at the flute in her hand, unable to meet Lana's gaze. She felt ashamed and silly for the way she had been acting. Lana knew her friend already felt intensely bad for the way she'd been acting and didn't want her to feel any worse than she already did. Moving to sit beside her in the tub, she put an arm around her friend.

"Listen, the only thing I care about right now is that you sound like your old self. I know the road to getting back to who you were before the incident won't be easy or quick, but just hearing you say that you need help is such an amazing step. One day at a time lady. I'm here for you. We all are. Even John," Lana said with an encouraging smile as she gave her a squeeze.

Isabella smiled up at her as she reached up and grabbed the bottle of champagne.

"To friendship!" She said and took a big swig from the bottle before handing to Lana.

"To friendship!" Lana repeated, taking herself a big swig as well.

Lana sat back, a big lazy smile on her face. "Boy, I don't know if it's all the aromatic crap the put in the water or the champagne, but I'm relaxed as fuck!"

Isabella laughed out loud and it felt so good to her to get it out. She felt as if a huge burden was lifted off her chest. A girls day was definitely what the doctor ordered.
They got massages after that, chatting about mundane things like their boyfriends and what they wanted to do on their next double date. When they left the spa, they headed to an early dinner. The time they spent together was sorely needed and when Isabella walked up to Tom's place, she found him sitting on the steps outside with Bobby.

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