Chapter Thirteen

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The night was over too soon for Isabella as she opened her eyes to see the sun filtering into the window of the guest bedroom. She sat up on her elbows to look around. Tom was nowhere in sight. Getting up and putting on a robe, she quietly stepped out of the bedroom to see everyone else was already awake, Lana sitting alone at the breakfast table.

"Bambina! Good morning. Come, I have breakfast ready for you," said Rosemarie, beckoning her daughter over to the table.

She walked over and sat down as her mother placed a plate of food and coffee down in front of her. She stared at the huge stack of pumpkin pancakes, feeling a mixture of nausea and desire. She laughed nervously, looking up at Rosemarie who was giving her a stern stare.


Isabella picked up her coffee, taking a sip. "Mama, I'm really not very hungry..."

"Give it up, Mama R. She doesn't eat much unless she's forced," Lana said, giving Isabella a pointed look.

She gave Lana a fake smile. "Thank you, peanut gallery. I didn't realize we needed your comments."

Lana stuck her tongue out at her, to which she responded in kind.

"Girls. Please. Not today. Isabella, can you please try to eat a little, for your dear grandmother, may she Rest In Peace?" Said Rosemarie as she did the sign of the cross.

Isabella rolled her eyes at her mother. "Ugh, really? Are you going to be using emotional blackmail like that the whole time we're here?"

"Whatever it takes to make you eat," Rosemarie said, giving her daughter a quick kiss on the forehead.

Isabella sighed aloud before she started eating, taking the tiniest bites possible. As she ate, she looked around for her little brother.

"Where's the fanboy at?"

"He's in his room playing video games. Tom started up a conversation with him earlier and I think he's online with his little friends gloating about it," Lana said, shaking her head at the thought.

"Where is Tom?" Isabella asked, wondering where he could have disappeared to.

Rosemarie pointed towards the back patio, her lip twitching into a semblance of a smile. "He's with your father in the backyard."

Isabella could see the two of them sitting out there on the rocking chairs that her father had bought for himself and his wife to rest in after a long day. She could tell her father was talking because of the way his hands moved around in an animated fashion.

"Is Tom ok out there?" Isabella asked, worried about what her father could be saying to him.

"Oh yes. We were all talking this morning during breakfast and Tom told us a bit about his household growing up. He told me his favorite breakfast is something called an

"English breakfast"? I said I would make it for him sometime this week. He's a good boy. Your father seems to really like him. He invited him to sit outside with him while he digests. You know how your father is after he eats."

Isabella nodded at her mother's comment. "Wow. That's nice. He normally likes to sit out there alone after breakfast." A sudden burst of laughter could be heard from outside. "What time is it anyway?"

"About eleven. We decided to let you sleep in. There's no rush today," Rosemarie said as she picked up her own coffee mug and sat down at the table with both girls.

"So, what is the plan exactly for today?" Lana asked as she stirred more creamer into her coffee.

"Well," Rosemarie started, looking between them both. "You know that your grandmother didn't care for theatrics. She didn't want a long, dragged out thing. So we are having a viewing today, followed by a funeral service tomorrow. After that, she will be cremated."

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