Chapter Sixteen

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When they got to the restaurant, Tom jokingly offered to carry Isabella in which earned him a punch to the arm. He wrapped his arm securely around her waist to help her walk in as they were met by her mother and father who stood by the door waiting for them.

"Finally, you are here!" Rosemarie says. "The natives are getting restless!"

They walked all the way to the back of the restaurant where there was a huge table full of family and friends awaiting them. In Isabella's family, weddings and funerals were always big occasions where they got together, ate a lot and drank a lot. This was no exception.

Isabella and Tom sat across from Lana and Joe as her father sat at the end of the table with her mother. Lorenzo stood, holding his wine glass high in the air.

"Now, we make toast. To a woman who both loved and hated with the ferocity of a lion, she will be missed by all who knew her. She left behind memories that will never leave us and she will always be in our hearts."

Lorenzo placed a hand over his heart, his eyes becoming glassy as he was overcome with emotion. Rosemarie stood and stroked her husband's arm, her face softening as she nodded in agreement of his beautiful words.

"Evelyn," he said, looking up to the sky. "Please watch out for us and keep us safe. I know you have already worked your magic for my Bella, but please continue to keep us in your graces. Rest In Peace."

He did the sign of the cross and then took a long sip of his wine. Everyone at the table did the same, muttering about how good the toast was.

"That was beautiful, papa," Isabella said, giving her fathers hand a squeeze.

"Thank you, Bella. I only speak from the heart," he replied, giving her and Tom a smile. "Your grandmother would be so happy for you if she were here. I know she's smiling down on you from heaven. It makes my heart sing to see you happy." He gestured with his hands as he so often does, clasping his hands in prayer at the delight of seeing his daughter so happy.

They ordered food and lots of wine, chatting about anything other than death. Family members caught up on the latest gossip and shared pictures of their children. Tom was actually having a serious discussion with her father about something, but she wasn't entirely listening. She had drunk a bit more wine than she thought and was currently feeling a nice buzz. She decided to just lean into it and enjoy it. Pulling out her phone, she got the bright idea to check her Tumblr. It had been a few days since she even opened the app and wondered what she had missed. The conversation that she had with Tom about it still lingered in the back of her head. She was relieved that he had been so cool about the whole thing. Scrolling through her newsfeed at a quick pace, she almost didn't notice a set of photos that kept popping up on various peoples Tumblrs. They looked familiar. Rubbing her hazy eyes, she tried to focus when she realized why the photos looked so familiar to her. She gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as she gawked in surprise.

"Thomas," she whispered, tugging on his sleeve, still looking at the pictures. He didn't hear her so she tugged again, whispering with more persistence. "Thomas!"

"Excuse me, Lorenzo. Yes, darling?" He said, turning to her.

She shoved the phone at him. "Look!"

He looked at her with a curiously raised eyebrow before taking the phone and looking at the photos. They were photos taken earlier that day of them dancing in the street. He smiled at the sight of them, seeing their happy faces. There was even a video replaying the whole thing.

"You don't like them?" He asked, trying to read her expression. The large amount of wine she had drunk possibly had something to do with the way she looked at him so wide-eyed, but he wasn't sure.

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