Tom's shoulders sagged as he continued to listen to the insults and threats coming out so foreign from the woman he loved more than anything in this world. His reality was quickly shattering around him.

"Think of it this way. At least this relationship lasted one more month than your last one," she said and she knew that it would send him away. She slid down against the door, hugging her knees as she rocked herself, willing the pain in her heart to stop.

He had no more words inside of him. That cut deep. She knew everything about his relationship with Taylor and knew how sensitive he was about it, but she had just thrown in back in his face. He felt despair and loss deep within his soul. He just walked away, unsure of what he should do now.

"Good girl," Jackson said, an evil grin on his face, looking as if he got some kind of sick thrill from watching her break down.

The week had gone by quickly for Lana as she checked her phone for the hundredth time, wondering again if she should pick it up and call Isabella. Her message was strange enough as it is, but she trusted her friend to know what's best for her so she gave her the space she asked for. But now it had been a week and still nothing. She thought maybe she could just call her parents house and check on her, just to make sure she was okay.

"Hello?" Came the gruff voice of Lorenzo on the other line.

"Papa Lorenzo! It's Lana, how are you?"

"Good! It is nice to hear your voice. How are you? I hear you are seeing someone new?"

"Yes," she said, gushing a little. "He's a doctor friend of Tom's. He's wonderful and funny and has lots of money. I'm in heaven!"

Lorenzo let out a deep belly laugh. "Yes, that is wonderful. And how is my Bella?"

Lana frowned, confused by the question.

"Well, that's why I was calling. She left me a voicemail last week while I was out saying she had to get away for some reason and that she was flying over to see you guys. She told me not to call her because she needed time away. I was just calling to check on her."

Lana could hear the muffling of the phone as Lorenzo talked to Rosemarie.

"Lana," he said, sounding slightly alarmed. "She is not here. We have not heard from her since last week. Is she not with Tom?"

"I don't know. I mean, she usually tells me when she's staying with him. She was very explicit in her message. That's very strange," Lana said, distractedly thinking of all the places she could have gone.

"Please make sure you find her and have her call us immediately!" Lorenzo said. Rosemarie could be heard next to him, freaking out asking what happened to her daughter.

"I will, Lorenzo, thank you."

She hung up with him and stood in the middle of her room, lost in thought. Where the hell could she have gone? And why would she lie about it? She decided to call the one other person she thought might know where she was.

"Lana? I'm surprised to hear from you," Tom said and the genuine surprise in his voice took her off guard.

"Tom, have you seen Isabella?"

"What? No, of course not. Except for this morning, I guess," he said, his voice wavering.

"What do you mean "of course not"? You're her boyfriend for Christ's sake!" Lana said, the panic beginning to rise.

"She didn't tell you? She broke up with me about a week ago. She said she didn't love me and that she was bored with me. She told me to never call her again," Tom said, his voice full of grief.

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