"Not too much actually. Right now things are quiet until the Infinity War promotions begin so I've got some free time. Perhaps you'd possibly be interested in dinner again tonight? At my place? I could come to pick you up and bring you here. I'll cook."

She smiled against the phone. It was incredibly endearing to hear him ask if she wanted to come over for dinner. As if she could say no to him. What woman in her right mind would? "That sounds wonderful. But please, I'll have Lana drop me off or something. Don't put yourself out."

"It's really no trouble -" he began, but she stopped him fast.

"Thomas. Please. Don't worry about it. I will be there about 7? That ok?"

He sighed audibly, letting her know he was not happy about refusing his offer.

"I shall look forward to it. I hope you have a wonderful day today. Again, I am sorry I woke you, but it is nice to hear your voice so early in the day."

She gave God a silent thank you that this was a phone call and he couldn't see the way she was blushing.

"I'm looking forward to it as well," she said, smiling so much it hurt her face.

"Until tonight," he said, and she could just tell he was also smiling on the other end.

She gave him a final farewell before hanging up.

Tossing the phone back on the nightstand, she laid back down, getting comfortable again. She fell asleep fast, with a grin on her face and the image of a perfect gentleman on her mind.

Back at Tom's place, he stared at the phone, lost in thought. He'd been just about to go out for his morning run when he got a call from Luke asking why he hadn't told him about his new girlfriend.

"I don't have a new girlfriend," Tom said plainly.

"Well, then, who is the girl in the picture?" Luke said.

"She's someone I met the other day. We were just having dinner. I wouldn't say we were dating."

"You just met her? I saw some of the other photos going around and you definitely do not look like two people who just met," he said in disbelief.

"Our comfort level does seem a bit easy considering how long we've known each other," Tom murmured to himself.

"Well, anyway, take a look at the photo, maybe let this girl know what's going on. She's not a celebrity at all I take it?"

"No, just moved here, actually. I'll call her, hopefully, she's ok with this."

"She'll have to be if she wants to date the ever-popular Tom Hiddleston," Luke said with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to you later, Luke."

"Don't forget to tell me things like this again!" Luke said before hanging up.

Tom pulled up the photo again, examining it up close. He ran a finger across the screen. It was an exquisite kiss. Definitely one for the record book. He never knew a kiss could reveal so much and contain so much emotion. It was an experience he couldn't wait to repeat.

Looking at his watch, the time had passed quickly and he decided to skip his run this morning. Walking over to the fridge, he looked inside to see what he could make. She seemed to be a simple girl with simple tastes so when he saw the ground meat, he decided to make a bolognese and some pasta. After all, he was famous for it according to the internet.

After he had his menu planned out, he decided to take Bobby for a walk to get them both some fresh air. Putting on his worn, comfy coat, they walked down the streets by his house, walking past the trail where he met Isabella only 48 hours ago. Was it possible for someone to change another's life in that short of a time? Before he found her sprawled on the ground, he had felt moody and a little disconnected. It hadn't been that long ago that Taylor had broken up with him and he was using the time for himself. This was to be a year of rest after working on movies back to back for so long.

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