Tom scanned the room, noticing Isabella's absence. "Is she ready to go?"

"Just about. Listen, I need to talk to you real quick before she comes out."

She looked behind her, making sure that Isabella wasn't about to come out. Stepping closer to Tom, he leaned in, a worried look on his face.

"What is it? Is everything alright?"

"Well, you see, that's the thing. I know she's mentioned the reason why she came here, but I think you need to know what's really going on because I'm hoping that you can help her."

"What are you saying?"

"Her ex, Jackson, is a bastard. He made her believe he loved her and treated her like a slave. He was verbally abusive, calling her awful things and holding her heart hostage. I hope she decides to tell you this on her own, but I fear his hold on her is too strong."

"Lana, just tell me what's going on. I can handle it," he said, rubbing his neck, wondering what could be bad enough for Lana to feel the need to warn him first.

"Just before she met you, she had been in touch with Jackson. She's planning on moving back to the states to be with him. Or she was until she met you. Now she's feeling conflicted. If you give any shits about her and you must after what you've done for her, then please, give her a reason to stay. I'm not asking you to lie or say anything you wouldn't, but I just have this feeling that you could be the one who saves her from herself. I'm afraid of what might happen to her if she goes back to him. I can't let that happen."

Tom looked at Lana, completely taken back by everything she'd just said. He had no idea it was that bad. And she planned on leaving? That was not good. He had to admit that there was something about her that drew him to her and he had hoped to get to know her better. If she left and went back to this Jackson person, that would be impossible. But what could he say or do to convince her otherwise? He was still a stranger to her technically. What kind of help could he be?

"I don't know what I can do, but I will certainly try my best. This Jackson doesn't sound like a particularly nice fellow and I do genuinely like Isabella and want to get to know her better."

This seemed to please Lana. She gave Tom a warm smile.
"I knew I could count on you," she said, just as the bedroom door opened, holding up a finger to her lips as a hint to keep their conversation a secret.

Isabella walked out, crutch under one armpit, trying to look graceful as she came over to them.

"You look divine," he breathed out. His eyes were focused on hers and it caused her to look away with a deep blush.

Lana looked between the two of them, noticing that they both happened to be wearing similar colors.

"You look like you planned your outfits together," Lana said, laughing at them.

They both looked one another up and down, smiling at the happy coincidence.

"It appears so," Tom said with a grin. "We do make quite the couple." He glanced over at Isabella who was still lost for words.

Lana elbowed her friend to get her talking.

"You look handsome tonight, Thomas," she said finally with a meek voice.

His smile was broad as he extended his arm to her.

"Thank you, my dear. Shall we go?"

She nodded as she took his proffered arm.

"You two kids have a good time! Don't come home too early!" Lana said with a wink before closing the door on them.

Tom took small steps so as not to rush Isabella with her being on a crutch. She noticed this little bit of kindness and couldn't help the small grin that crept up on her face.

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