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Rhylee didn't show up outside my house to take me to school as she usually does. I thought of calling Ryder, but as I picked up my phone, I remembered he also had to take Willow to school too. My mum offered to take me, but I refused because she'd definitely go to work late. There was no way I was going to call Zachary, so I took a bus.

The bus obviously didn't take me to the doorstep of my school, but it took me near enough. When I got to school, the second bell had already rung. I rushed over to my locker to get my books and head over to English.

The subject that started this whole drama.

On my locker, I saw a peice of paper:

Yes, we can.

I was a bit confused when I read it, but I knew it was from Rhylee. I put it in my pocket and went to class.


"Ryder, have you seen Rhylee today?"

He held up his hand, signalling me to wait for him to finish chewing his food.

He shook his head. "No. I don't think so."

I sighed. "Yeah, me neither. She left this for me on my locker." I brought it out from my pocket and gave it to him.

He looked at it for a while. "You asked her a question?"

"Not face to face, anyway."

"Check your phone, then. She might be answering the last question you asked her."

"Hmmmm. Smart."

"I try."

I scoffed and brought out my phone. I opened the messaging app and looked for Rhylee's profile. When I found it, I looked for the last question. And then it hit me. I smiled.

"What is it, Sam?"

"She wants to be my best friend again."

"Well, that's great."

"The best feeling ever."

"Too bad she's not in school. You should ask her why."

"She's probably sick or crying over some guy."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Um, I'm her best friend?"

He rolled his eyes and held up his hand like he previously did, before taking another spoonful of rice. "My bad."

"I didn't even ask you what you got in the test. Even though it's obvious you got an A."

"I didn't get an A."

"Oh, sorry. An A plus."

"I didn't get an A plus."

I was confused. Ryder tutored me for this test and he didn't even get an A.

"A B?"

He lowered his head and shook it.

"A C?"

"I got a D, Sam!"

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