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"As in Ryder McGraw? The new hottie bad boy that just started Higgins High last week?"

"Of course. How many Ryders do you know in this school, Rhyls?"

"But...but, it's impossible!"

"I just told you what happened, So it has to be possible."

"How did he look, I mean describe his features, his attitude. Tell me everything."

We were at the cafeteria during lunch. Since Rhylee and I didn't have any morning periods together (except Math), I could only tell her what had happened during lunch.

Rhylee has had a huge crush on Ryder ever since he walked through the school doors last week.

"Well, he's really tall and has hazel coloured  eyes."

Rhylee rolled her eyes. "I mean, tell me something I don't already know."

"He's actually kinda sweet, for a bad boy. He smiled and was so polite. He even took all the blame for bumping into me."

Rhylee's mouth was open the whole time during my last statements.

"I never knew he could be sweet. He's so mysterious. Look at him over there," she pointed to where he was sitting. "He looks so lonely, sitting there all by himself."

Suddenly, her eyes had a little sparkle in them, her eyebrows were up, and her mouth was open. Oh, no. This is her 'I have a brilliant idea!' face. Her plans and ideas never turn out to be good.

"What is it Rhyls?"

"I have an amazing idea."

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes and leaned in a bit closer.

"You should go and sit with him!"

"What! That is the most crazy idea I've ever heard! What, do you expect me to go over there and be like, "Hey Ryder. Can I sit here?" "

"Of course."

"Why?" I asked, bewildered.

"Because you're friends." She said matter of factly.

"We are not friends, Rhyls. We only bumped into each other."

"I thought you said that he said "So I'll catch you later?" "


"So, that later can be now. What do you have against sitting next to him?"

"Nothing. It's just that...Look, Rhylee, I'm scared."

"Scared of what? Is it because he's a bad boy?"

"No, not that."

"Then, what is it? You're beginning to make me scared, Sam."

"It's just that, I think I'm beginning to fall in love with him."

She burst out laughing. "So what? Practically every girl in school likes him. To think I was beginning to get worried about you." She wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eye.

"Rhylee! Stop laughing! This is serious! You know what happened the first time I fell in love. It was love at first sight and you know how it ended. Ryder is another love at first sight guy. And I'm scared what happened last time would happen again."

Her look suddenly became solemn. "Sam, not all guys are alike. Ryder might be different. Just give him a chance. He's already being sweet to you. I doubt he's been sweet to anyone else. This might be a big opportunity and you'll hate it if you miss out on it."

"Okay Rhylee. I'll try." I smiled.

"Ata girl! Now get over there!"

I picked up my tray of food and began walking to the back of the cafeteria. I was about to do the craziest thing I had ever done. Little did I know that this psycho idea would change my life forever.

Hey guys! How was this chapter? Cheesy? Hope not too cheesy. How's the story so far? Let me know please. And if you have any ideas, please let me know. I'll look into it and get back to you. Stay posted for more. Bye! :)


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