Thomas x Reader

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Liam, my best bud besides Y/N and Teresa, bursts through our dorm room door. I look up from work, expecting to see the girl I love, and instead find him. "Thomas-" he tries to catch his breath, "I saw Y/N being taken away by the guards."

Instantly I stood up, knocking my chair backward. "Where did she go?"

 "Come on!"


Liam and I go through the large, metal, control room doors. There she is; Y/N on her knees, her hands behind her back. The most shocking part? Teresa is standing right next to Paige as she accuses Teresa's best friend of something most likely punishable by maze.

"What's going on?" I demand.

Paige looks at me and her gaze softens: I'm like the son she never had. The woman walks over to me with a sad expression. "We found Y/N here planning to tell people of the maze and our experiments. Well actually, Teresa told us she was."

My eyes flick to the brunette girl. "You turned your best friend in?"

"I needed to do what was right."

Liam glanced at me. She had no idea it was our plan too. I was about to tell her when I looked at Y/N, her eyes told me to keep it a secret and continue without her.

"Yes dear, you did wonderfully." Paige moved to caress my cheek but I moved, my mind filled with hurt. She took my movement and nodded, turning and walking back toward her desk. "And as everyone knows," she sat in her chair, resting her palms on the wood, "that is punished with the maze."

"No," I breathed out, starting towards Y/N.

"Restrain him."

I ran for it, ramming into the guards. Their arms locked around mine, one person per arm, and held me back. I pointed at Paige the best I could and yelled, "You can't do this!"

Liam stayed back, knowing if he ran it would only hurt the situation more. Teresa barely met my eyes, guilt hopefully burning through her core till there was nothing but the feeling that she betrayed her best friend and broke my heart in the process.

As Y/N was lifted off the ground and pulled away from me, I yanked. I pulled hard enough to break free from the guards and grabbed a hold of her arm. Then I crashed my lips against hers. Even in the desperation of the kiss, she made butterflies explode in my stomach, filling me with this feeling I only feel when I'm with her.

Then their grip was back on my shirt, yanking me away from the girl of my dreams. "I'll find you again!" My voice was desperate as she was dragged away. "I won't love anyone but you! I promise!"

She yelled something but all I heard was the last part. The last thing I heard from her was that word, that name, my name, before she was tossed into the maze.

Idk why I decided to do Thomas but I love DOB so maybe that's why. Hope you enjoyed regardless.

Any requests, feel free to comment. And if I missed your request I am very sorry, I must have not seen it. Please comment that I had forgotten and who it was about.

Have a good day!

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