Peter Parker - Fans

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He peered around the chimney we were hiding behind. The noise of his fans died down when they couldn't find where we went.

“You think they can see us up here?” he asked.

“Nah,” I replied, “I think we're safe from your fangirls.” I remembered something he had said earlier. “I thought you said you didn't have any fans?”

The brunette faced me again. Being hidden he took off the mask everyone saw, me being one of the few who knew who he was. Peter Parker grinned at me, his brown mess sticking up in random directions. I smiled back as he wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

“I said that Iron Man still has more than me.” I put my own hands behind his neck, playing with his hair. “No need to be jealous, Princess, I'm still your number one fan.”

A smirk formed on my lips when he shivered in delight at my hands in his curls. “Oh yeah?” He closed his eyes as I pressed harder against him. “Show me then.”

Peter's lips brushed against my forehead. “Like this?” He pressed them to my skin, not getting much of a reaction. The superhero moved to my neck. “Or maybe like...” he planted a kiss there, “this.”

I smiled and slightly sighed. He moved a little, up and down, leaving open mouth kisses. “Hey! Now you're teasing.” He stopped and looked into my eyes. I could stare at them for hours and still love them. “You need to step up your game, Spidey, if you want to convince me.”

Our lips were already close. When he spoke his minty breath hit my face, “Oh yeah?” Peter smiled, trying to get me closer. “Show me how.”

Without hesitation I answered, “Gladly.”

Gripping his hair to bring his head close to me, I kissed him. He finally got his wish, the two of us closer than we were and I got mine. Peter turned so my back was against the wall. Gently he pressed me against the cool bricks.

And let me put this out there; Peter Parker can kiss a girl like no other.

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