Gina Porter x bi/pan!Reader

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"Do you remember my audition?"

I look at Gina. "It's kind of hard not to. You got jealous of Ricky and Ricky got jealous of you. It was hard not to notice the glares you both gave each other that day."

She laughs. "Yeah. We both had the shot to play your love interest. Obviously we know who won that."


"I was just thinking about it. What would have happened if Ricky could've actually acted mad at you? Would he or I be here right now?"

Thinking for a second I glance into her eyes. "If I'm being honest, I have no idea. But obviously Ricky and I weren't meant to be because you could act and he couldn't."

"That's the thing," Gina says, grabbing my hands. "He loved you enough that he couldn't say he hated you. But I could."

I smile softly. "You can act. You wanted the part enough to pretend to hate me. You acted like you hated me to get more time with me. At least, I hope that's why you were able to."

"That's what went down in my mind but it struck me suddenly that you could take that the wrong way and I just wanted-"

I press my lips to hers, shutting her up. When we back away I say, "Well luckily, I thought the same thing."

She laughs, her voice breathy as she says, "Yeah. I'm really lucky to be here." She kisses me again. "Really, really lucky."

"Okay love birds! Break it up! Time for the scene! Places!"

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