Callum Hunt + Reader

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(A/N This is way in the future, but I haven't read the Silver Mask yet, so.... yeah. I hope you read the Bronze Key at least, there might be some spoilers if you didn't(Aaron is alive in this). But if your ahead of me and read the Silver Mask, then please continue[don't say anything about the S.M. Please and thank you  ) 

It was two against two.
You and Call vs Tamara and Aaron. 
One chaos user for each team.

Aaron pushed air towards Call and you. Tamara following his moves. Call rammed into you as the air pushed his backwards, both of you slamming into the wall. 

Aaron motioned his hand upwards, a gust of air blasted Call towards the sky. He fell screaming, but you quickly made the grass catch him from falling to fast.

When Call was back on the ground you looked around. Aaron stood still smirking, but Tamara wasn't near him.

Some slammed into your back, sending you into Call. He landed on the ground with a thud, your hands on either side of his head.

You stared into his gray eyes and found yourself unable to move. Laughs and footsteps were heard as Aaron and Tamara ran away, not wanting to get slapped by you two.

He stared into your (e/c) eyes. A loud blush that was pretty hard to miss, but you also knew that you were red too.

"I'm sorry," you said, starting to stand. "You must-"

Call pulled you back down to him, making you stop talking. "No," he said, almost whispering to you.  "(y/n), I want to tell you something." He paused, his hand still holding your waist. "I really like you."

You blushed more. "Call, I," you started.

Call pulled you closer, placing his lips on yours. You could see his eyes close as you closed yours. When you parted, both of you were slightly gasping.

"Call, you, that," you couldn't get your words out.

He let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I couldn't help my-" you kissed him this time. Call grinned into the kiss.

You separated for a second to say, "Shut up."

(A/N That's it. I did it. Sorry it took so long to do, but I was trying to think of how to do this. But here is the end result.

And for anyone else you wants one you can you can ask for something specific, like the plotish? All that stuff, if you don't get it yet just comment or message me for more details. 

Have a good day!)

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