Liam Dunbar x Reader

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Liam had a pocky stick in mouth, half out for me to have. I raise my eyebrow, not thinking he was into this kinda stuff. He smiles, holding the pocky with his teeth. I grabbed the stick, waiting for him to release it.

He did as I implied, allowing me to hold it away from him. The pocky easily broke in half in my hands. Liam looked at me, suddenly really sad. I acted surprised but I knew that already. That's why I had to do the next part.

I gave him one half, and had my own. He smiled, slightly blushing from embarrassment. Liam was expecting a kiss today, being smooth and doing the pocky challenge.

Without any warning I pulled his shirt, bringing him into me. My lips pressed against his, his cheeks going a bright red. The two of us closed our eyes as I put my hands in his hair.His hands found my waist, holding me close.

I was planning on giving him the kiss. Just not his way.

Can I just say that I really want to do the pocky challenge with someone? But I'm a single pringle so I write things that I want to happen(and some that just sound like they belong in fantasy and fantasies are amazing).

Anyway, if you've written a request and haven't gotten it yet or have an idea put it here. Thanks!

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